9. Seperation.

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Y/N sat on her balcony, watching the sun dip below the horizon. Settling into her new life after divorce in a foreign land wasn't a path she foresaw.

For a month, one thought lingered: could she have fought harder, held onto him tighter? Yet, she recognized their happiness was fleeting, and letting go might have been best for both.

She recalled the day they exchanged vows, the promises whispered amidst the flutter of anticipation.

And then, etched in her memory, was the day they faced each other in court, penning the final chapter of their union with somber strokes.

His gaze, distant and cold, never meeting hers, haunted her thoughts. Yet, as she drove away, a glance in the rearview mirror revealed his silent farewell, tears mirroring her own, a silent testament to the shared pain of their parting.

As tears streaked down her cheeks, Y/N felt a sudden wave of nausea wash over her, her stomach lurching with a force that left her breathless. Racing to the washroom, she doubled over, retching violently as her body rebelled against the emptiness within. The past week had been a blur of nausea and dizziness, a relentless onslaught that left her trembling with fear.

With a heavy heart, she reached for the pregnancy strip she had purchased days earlier, its presence a silent reminder of the truth she feared to confront. With trembling hands, she peeled back the wrapper, her heart pounding in her chest with each passing moment.

Closing her eyes against the flood of emotions threatening to engulf her, Y/N hesitated, the strip poised between trembling fingers. In that fragile moment, the weight of her fears pressed down upon her with suffocating intensity, the unknown looming like a specter in the shadows of her uncertainty.

And then, with a trembling breath, she opened her eyes, her gaze fixed on the small plastic strip that held the key to her destiny. In the silence of the room, the seconds stretched into eternity, each heartbeat a drumming rhythm of anticipation and dread.

And then, as the lines materialized before her eyes, a flood of emotions washed over her like a tidal wave, her heart soaring with hope and fear in equal measure. For in that fleeting moment, amidst the uncertainty of her future, Y/N held in her hands the promise of new life, a fragile beacon of light amidst the darkness of her despair.

Y/N sat across from the doctor, her hands trembling as she clutched the ultrasound images, her heart heavy with uncertainty. "Doctor, I don't know what to do," she confessed, her voice wavering with emotion. "I never expected... I never planned for this."

The doctor regarded her with a mixture of compassion and pragmatism, his expression softened by the weight of the conversation at hand. "I understand, Y/N," he began gently. "But given your circumstances, we need to consider all options."

Y/N's breath caught in her throat, the reality of her situation crashing over her like a tidal wave. "But what are my options?" she implored, her voice thick with desperation.

The doctor hesitated, his gaze unwavering as he broached the delicate subject. "Given the stage of your pregnancy, you have about a week left to decide if you want to proceed with the pregnancy or consider other options," he explained softly.

A lump formed in Y/N's throat, the weight of the decision bearing down upon her with suffocating intensity. "A week," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. "That's not much time."

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