Chapter 30

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Vidhi's POV

I just called him selfish, stupid me. I just overreacted to the situation. He just loved me infinite, but what I gave  him was nothing. But he thought me and Varun are couple, cheap thinking. I was sobbing badly when Varun came and hugged me.

"What happened Vidhi?" he asked worriedly

"Nothing" I said between in sob

"Tell me, you can share it with me. You are like my little sister!" he said consoling me


I told him everything that happened between us

"Oh no, he thought we are couple" he said laughing silently


"Oh god, but it's not his fault, when we are in love with someone we can't see them with other people" he said softly

"That means he me"

"Yes" he said assuring me

"Thankyou for consoling me, I love you"

"Love you too" he hugged me again

Now let's go eat something in the canteen, you must be hungry. We went and had our lunch. Then I drifted into work, I was so much engrossed in it that I didn't know when the time passed. It was 8 at night

"Thankyou once again Varun"

"No need Vidhi"

"Love you"

"Love you too"

He hugged me and I hugged him back. I felt someone was watching us. When I turned to look, there was no one. I sat with Varun in his car and we droved to my house

"Thankyou Vidhi"

"For what?"

"You gave the right suggestion of gifting hand written letters to her, she was so happy"

"I told you girls love letters"

"Here comes your house"


I went home, I was feeling lonely because my parents had gone out of town for one week. I quickly went upstairs and freshened up myself when I heard a knock on the door. When I opened the door I was shocked

"Hi sweetheart!" he said stumbling on the doorstep

"What happened Ishaan... wait are you drunk?"

"No I am not sweetheart, I am your gu..est don't you all..ow me to en..ter in your ho..use" he said coming closer

I placed his one hand on my shoulder and walked towards the guest room

"Do you asked me a que..stion sweetheart?" he said staring at me

"Y...eah" I said hasitately

"The answer is yes I ST..ILL LO..VE YOU AND AL..WAYS WILL NO MA..TTER WH..AT I was going to tell yo..u but... I have a that yo..u will re..ject me again, and I will be heart..broken again. I can't bear your rejection one more time." he said laughing bitterly, his eyes were teary. Seeing his vulnerable side it hurted me so much. I felt an urge to hug him, and I hugged him without any second thought

"Me too" I said at the verge of crying

"Why are you crying sweetheart?" he said wipping my tears

"Do yo.u kn..ow I miss..ed your hug soooo" he said hugging me back. Suddenly it started raining heavily.

"Let's da..nce in the" he said dragging me behind him. I can't believe he said that, he is literally high

He went towards the garden area so I was we were dancing our heart out. Suddenly he held my waist and pulled me closer. There was just an inch gap between us. He joined his head with mine, intertwining our hands and looked deep into my eyes. His hazel eyes staring into my soul directly, it always mesmerizes me. We kept admiring each other for god knows how much time. Water was dripping from his black silky hairs.....

"Can I say it now" he said in a husky voice

"Yes...." I said without thinking twice

"I....." he passed out on my shoulder

I took him to the guest room and laid him on the bed, removing his shoes, and pulled the quilt over him.

We will talk about this later Ishu. Goodnight sweetheart. I kissed his forehead and returned to my room. I am happy that he still loves me. I didn't had any idea that he suffered so much because of me. I will confess to him soon that I love him too, and I dozed off thinking about him.

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