Cod war

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Jana: I'll tell you later. Right now I'll tell you how it lead to that point. The Cod War.

Jimmy: Oh boy.

fWhip: Huh, this sounds familiar.

Pix: Who participated?

Jana: The whole server was basically divided into a group. The Wither Rose Alliance, and the Codvengers.

Joel: The what?

Jana: The Codvengers. I think it was Lizzie's idea.

Lizzie: What? It's a nice pun.

fWhip: You and your puns, Lizzie.

Jana: Anyway, the Wither Rose Alliance had Sausage, fWhip, Gem, Pearl, and Joey, while the Codvengers had Jimmy, Lizzie, Joel, and Pix. Scott and Katherine were allies with both sides and Shrub was perfectly neutral, though Katherine was angling more to the Codvengers side and Scott was more with the Wither Rose Alliance.

Katherine and Scott: Oh.

Sausage: Eh, the two of you tried to keep the peace. Didn't last very long.

Pix: Why was it called the Wither Rose Alliance?

Jana: They originally teamed up to fight the Wither and collect wither roses.

Sausage: And also because DEATH FLOWERS!!!

Gem: Oh, I see.

Jana: Lizzie actually made another song explaining the beginning of the Cod War. I'll play it now. (Then the screen started playing Salmon Scam.)

Joey(Disbelievingly.): fWhip gave Lizzie all those rockets for just a shulker box of fish?! I wish I had a trade like that.

Jana: fWhip genuinely loved salmon at this point. (After the song was over.)

Katherine: What happened next?

Jana: fWhip was doing this thing with Jimmy, and he was about to blow him up with tnt, and then he decided to ask you whether or not to do it. But he only asked you to say yes or no, and you said yes because you didn't know what was happening, and fWhip blew Jimmy up.

Jimmy: Life hates me.

Gem: Remind me to never say yes to fWhip again.

fWhip: Oh, come on! I'm a fun guy!

Sausage: Since when were you a mooshroom?

fWhip: Moo.

Shelby: Oh dear.

Jana: Anyway, fWhip picked up Jimmy's stuff and he got the Codfather head because Jimmy tried to kill him. He realized it would basically be another way to get Jimmy under control like with the music disc, so he ransomed it. But then Jimmy declared war, and things just went downhill from there.

Sausage: Then we had the wall race!

Lizzie: Were you racing on a wall or were the walls racing?

Sausage: Jimmy built a fishtank wall around his empire so to show him up I built a bigger wall around Mythland. Then he built his bigger, then I built mine bigger, then he built his bigger-

Gem: We get it, Sausage.

Jimmy: Did mine at least look good?

Sausage: Yeah, I guess, if you like fishtanks.

Jana: And then the Wither Rose Alliance had a meeting about building a dungeon to hide the Codfather head in. It was mostly fWhip's idea, but everyone built their own section to have puzzles. (The screen started showing the scenes in which the Codvengers had to get through the puzzles from different perspectives.)

fWhip and Sausage(At the part where Jimmy revealed that Gem had given him the answers to her puzzle.): Gem!

Gem: My excuse is that I must've had a good reason.

Lizzie(After the Codvengers read the sign saying 'how badly do you want it'.): It's a trap!

Joel: Obviously. Course, Jimmy still takes the bait.

Jimmy: I honestly can't argue with that for some reason.

Jana(After the Codvengers fell into the End.): Well, that was most certainly a trap. This part of putting them in the End was fWhip's idea. His reasoning was that Jimmy wouldn't want to have to kill the ender dragon to get out of the end because almost everyone knew that Xornoth had said that if the dragon died then he would be free.

Lizzie: Oh no.

Pix: Except I could see a fatal flaw in this plan.

Sausage: What flaw? The only problem with it was Jimmy being Jimmy.

Gem: fWhip never put a sign or anything to tell them that they were going to fall into the end if they took it...

fWhip and Sausage: Oh, yeah, right.

Jimmy: Hah! It's not my fault this time!

Joel: That's a first.

Jana: And it wasn't even the real Codfather head, it was just a regular old cod head.

Sausage: It was the music disc all over again! 

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