Six: Danika Reeves

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I had my eyes on Mr. Morseti the whole night. But when he wasn't handing me a dish he didn't care less about me.

The Tupperware thing was weird.

But the people were kinder than I expected and I've never gotten so many tips.

I felt rich. And this was the bare minimum for the decent job.

But I looked at my watch seeing my shift was almost over.

"Danika." He called and I turned, facing Mr. Morseti.

"This might be a stretch but how does some overtime, time and a half pay sound?"

"How long do I stay?"

"Just one more hour."

"That's fine." I nodded.

"Good." He handed me another tray.

And I delivered it.


At the end, he had me follow him to his office and I sat down.

He sighed, removing his apron, then he sat and handed me a folder.

"I need your mailing address for any paychecks unless you have an electronic account you'd like to hook up to." He told me.

"Could I possibly pick it up here? My complex isn't the safest for my checks to be sent out." I recalled the vivid dream of the man in the corner of my room.

And the text messages.

"Certainly. How does every Friday night sound? I'm the only one with access to your checks as I write them out and I'm here from 5-11 every Friday." He said.

"Of course. I can do that."

"Good. Also, I cashed in your tips for the night." He placed an envelope on the desk.

I opened it and I couldn't even count the money it was so much.

"You did very good, Dani. I'm happy you applied." He gave a small smirk but it was the most expressive face I'd ever seen on him.

"Thank you. H-how much is it?"


"What? Just for tonight?" I asked.

"You're very kind to the customers."

"Holy cow." I stared at the envelope.

"Are you alright?"

"I'm just fine. Yeah. Thank you. I'll go clock out. Uhm... thank you so much, Mr. Morseti."



"My name is Saint."

"Oh. Okay." I nodded.


I got home, going to grab my bill envelopes but they were missing.

I panicked.

I called and he answered.

"Where are my bills? I didn't mail them-"

"Yes you did, Danika. You're finally out of debt. Thank you." He said.

I hung up and studied the rose on my nightstand.

This is fucking weird.

I ate the weird Tupperware breakfast this morning. Got a weird rose. Had a clean kitchen area.

I looked at the unknown number in my phone, debating calling it.

I'd think on it.

I took a shower, not worrying about the water bill.

I did my hair care. I want to do better for my curls though. It could be so much healthier.

Got into some comfy clothes.

And I decided to call it.

Fourth ring. It answered.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hello." A deep chuckle. It sounded like a voice changing machine.

"You watching me now?" I asked, looking around my apartment.


"I'll take that as an always."

He laughed.

"The painting I have is beautiful. I may need to buy another."

"You sent me the $3k. You have my painting. That's creepy."

"To you."

"You were in my house last night."


"Same thing. In my space."

"With completely paid bills."

"I'm not complaining about that part."

"Why the call, Rose?"


"Why did you call?"

"Because I didn't think you'd pick up."

"As scared as you pretend to be, you sure do like talking to me."

"I don't know if scared is the word."

"No? What's the word?"


"You used to be scared."

"Would you hurt me?"

"Kill you? No."

"Hurt me?"

"That depends."

"On what?"

"On your own choices."

"Such as?"

"I don't think you need to worry when you're already trying to figure out who I am."

"Will I ever see you?"

"I'm no night in shining armor, Danika."

"I know."

"Do you like being watched?"

"I'm not sure."

"Well, I think you should stop messing with the rose and eat something."

"Another meal in my fridge?"

"No. But there is ice cream in your freezer."

I hummed.

"You should stop talking to me."


"I might being to think you like our arrangement."

"Arrangement? Is that what this is?"

"Of course. You're mine. I watch. You don't know I'm there."

"I'm not yours."

"You are though. Because I'll kill anyone who touches you."

"You killed that man last night."

"I did."


"He was following you."

"Ironic isn't it?"

"Only I can do that. He was going to hurt you."

"You said you'd hurt me."

"It's different, my rose. He's doing it of lust. I do it because I love you."

"Love? You don't know me."

"Is that a challenge?"

"Why not? Sure."

"Look in your freezer."

I opened it and my favorite Dairy Queen blizzard was there.

Oreo blizzard with twist ice cream, extra Oreos, and peanut butter sauce.


He hung up.

Me: Bastard.

Unknown: Brat.

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