Seven: Danika Reeves

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I quit my painting store job. Picked up any hours I could from Souvage.

I bought my first real set of skincare. My first full fridge and pantry of groceries.

And I bought newer clothing. Nothing fancy as I still wasn't making enough to be consistently comfortable.

But with how often I found flowers all over my house and food in my fridge, I was doing pretty well.

Still eerie, still creeped out.

But the company I always felt was sort of becoming nice as I knew he wasn't out to kill me completely.

But I noticed a switch in everything.

My mentality.

My movies.

My shows.

My social media.

All of it took a darker twist.

My algorithm switched from puppies and comedy and nice, blonde hockey boys to bikers, possessive men, and gore.

I exposed myself to new films and the men were morally grey.

My mentality wasn't as peaceful as it used to be either.

When I felt this, nine months ago, terror flooded me.

Then I consistently felt paranoid.

Now I just felt like I was coexisting with someone.

I was still bothered.

Still a bit fearful.

But as long as my throat wasn't getting slashed, I had more important things to worry about.

Such as getting my first paycheck.

So I went inside to begin my night shift.

I immediately clocked in, put on my waist apron, then went into the kitchen to speak to Mr. Morseti.

"Ready for tonight? Today and tomorrow will be god awful." He warned, his black curls in a slick back bun, his hands holding two plates already.

"I'm ready." I nodded.

I picked up a tray and he set the plates atop of them.

"VIP just opened. These are the booth appetizers." He said quietly.

I nodded, he set more plates.

I observed him a bit more and he looked morally grey.

He was gorgeous. But not usually my type.

He was terrifyingly muscular and broad.

His bicep alone could pop off someone's head.

His wrists and hands were tattooed as well as his throat, the ink fading into his beard.

It wasn't long, it was just right. You could still see his neck, but couldn't find his chin. But it made his look perfectly masculine and terrifying in the same.

"Last one." He set the last plate and I had it.

"Be back soon for the bartenders to make their drinks." I nodded and left.

His voice was very low. He was very quiet.

I've never seen him actually speak to anyone else.

His face gave away nothing. He looked numb.

I delivered the plates to the different booths and they thanked me.

These two men stopped speaking when I set their plates down.

"Thank you sweetheart. You look new."

"Relatively." I gave a soft smile.

"Can I know your name?"


"Lovely meeting you. You're a beautiful woman."

"Thank you."

I got their drinks and walked to the bar, handing them the list before returning to the kitchen.

Mr. Morseti was no where to be seen.

Regardless I took a drink of water from my locker and went to the bar, taking the drinks back to the rooftop.

I gave the drinks to the people based on the order I took the orders in.

The two men were gone so I skipped over them, finishing off the drinks.

I held the tray to balance theirs. But there was a $200 cash tip on the table so I took it.

They didn't even touch their appetizers.

So I placed the plate back onto the tray with their drinks.

I took them to the kitchen.

"Mr. Morseti?" I called.

He looked at me.

"What do I do with these? The men left."

"How unfortunate." He removed the drinks and plate from my tray and dumped them carelessly into the sink.

"Do I hand this to you?" I asked with the $200.

"You keep that."

"Oh alright." I nodded.

"Go take meal orders. If they aren't ready, revisit them within 8 minutes."

"Yes sir."

"Good job. Thank you." He replied and I swallowed firmly.

I never had a boss who praised my work. Let alone just writing what people want to eat.

But I left and did what I had to.

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