Eleven: Danika Reeves

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Listen to- Stalkers Tango-Autoheart

I had taken a bath, crying.

I don't know why this felt so much more real now.

He was touching me and kissing me and just knowing who my stalker is made it actually feel very real and very terrifying.

My phone buzzed.

Unknown: My girl, I know this is hard for you. I'm so sorry for your tears. But you need to understand something. You tell a single soul, I promise no one will ever believe you.

Unknown: Your life is so perfectly mine. I'm sorry you don't see it how I do. But I love you. I love you so much. I live just for you. I promise, one day you will feel the same. Even if you hate me for it.

I couldn't do much about this now.

I enabled the issue.



I heard my door open, my freezer, my fridge.

I stood and walked into my kitchen.

"Thought you weren't coming over?" I crossed my arms.

He faced me for the first time and I could see the anger in his expression.

"I was going to feed you, then leave. Not see you. Silly girl." He turned from me and shut my fridge.

"I dropped my therapist."

"I know."

I nodded, picking at the little bumps I get on my arms.


I dropped my arms completely.

His eyes settled on my chest.

"Creepy." I muttered.

"Why?" He smiled, amused.

"Do you not get bored? Or think about what you're doing and know that it's wrong?"

He shrugged, walking toward me.

His hand gripped my jaw, pulling my head upward to look at him.

He must've been maybe 6'4? Something around there.

"I want your phone."


He put his hand out.

"Don't count me merciless, rose. I'll have it whether you behave or I take it."


"I'm not keeping it. Just wanna look at something."

I nodded, going to my room, unplugging it as I handed it to him.

He tsked.

I picked at my arms, anxious.

"No more therapist, unless we discuss otherwise." He looked at me.

"Okay." I whispered.

I didn't trust my situation but I oddly enough trusted him.

"No more of this blonde dude on SnapChat."

I didn't respond knowing he already blocked him.

He reached, cupping under my chin.

His gaze softened.

"This won't be difficult if you behave. You can't run from me."

I frowned.

He wiped the tear that escaped my eye.

"Why the tears? Aren't you happy to see me, my girl?" He smirked, taunting me.

"I asked a question."

"I don't know."

"You don't know? You're crying. If you're unhappy, say it. It won't change anything but it's good to admit."

"I'm confused."

"I won't tease you anymore. I'll let you figure it out. Because regardless you're mine. But it can be done with ease, or it can be a difficult process. But if you're smart you'll know there's no way out." His eyes were full of sincerity.

I nodded, avoiding his gaze.

He opened his arms.

I had a choice.

I chewed my lip.

"Have a good night." I turned and walked to my room.

He left without saying anything.

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