Twenty-Five: Danika Morseti

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I smiled to myself while doing the dishes from last nights dinner, putting the clean ones away before refilling the dishwasher.

Today was his day off off so he was still sleeping especially since I woke him up like I had.

And fuck was that good.

But I suppose didn't sleep in too much as he came down the stairs in just sweats, the imprint of him through the fabric making my head spin.

So much more lust.

So many more dirty thoughts since that.

So much more to consider and be excited for.

He looked very grumpy.

But he came behind me, lifting my gown before pressing himself against my ass and I trembled a bit.

I felt him do thrusting motions and heat swelled my face as his hands came around to my clit, rubbing, the other hand moving up my body and grabbing my tit over the fabric.

"I could just take you like this, right now." He murmured, voice like sleepy gravel.

Slightly terrifying. But so damn good.

"How do you think about it so early in the morning?"

"The same way you whisper your gratitude in my ear when you wake up for me tongue fucking you." He deadpanned and I turned off the water and turned around.

"You fake sleeper!" I gasped.

He shrugged, fresh deodorant and mint rolling off him.

He picked me up, my ass on the edge of the sink, I panicked but knew he wouldn't let me fall back.

He spread my legs wide, stepping fully between them until his hard on was on my pussy.

"Another way I could claim you. This position I'd cum so deep inside you, you'd tremble around me with your inability to close your beautiful legs." His hands gripped at my thighs.

"I don't wanna be pregnant." I deflected from the blush I felt and the pulse that ached within my abdomen.

He smiled.

"Do you think I'd ever give you something that could rip your attention from me? No. Never. Nothing other than me will occupy your life. Just me. Do you understand?" He seemed to be getting worked up.

I nodded.

"How will that happen without protection?"

"I have a disorder where I cannot produce sperm. Added to my issues, also got a vasectomy when I began watching you to make sure."

I frowned.

He looked down at our bodies and where they connected.

His hand moved down my stomach, thumb pressing on my clit.

"This fucking body, Dani. My god." He sighed.

He stopped, hands on my thighs, pulling me to wrap around him in a hug.

I laid my head on his chest.

"I love you. I really fucking love you." He whispered.

"How much?" I asked.

He hummed, taking a deep breath.

"So much, I envy that death gets to kill you and I don't get that pleasure for myself. He's lucky he gets to have you like that. That's the one experience I won't have or get to take from you." He rubbed my back.

"You speak of harming me a lot." I sat up, looking up at him.

"I'm a twisted man, whatever I do, I will think about my actions before I do it, but it doesn't replace desires."

"You desire to hurt me?"

"I do. For my own satisfaction of marking you and leaving that impression of me on your mind. To instill fear."

His hands caressed my thighs and I nodded.

He just looked down at me, emotionless, but eyes burning into my own until I felt myself cower with nerves, my head falling on his chest.

He smelt so good. He was so warm.

"Wanna go out tonight?" He asked.

"Mmmm maybe."

He nodded.

Then he left upstairs, coming back in his workout clothing as he went into the basement.

I chewed my lip, wanting to watch.

So I quickly finished up the dishes and walked downstairs quietly.

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