Twelve: Saint Morseti

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Danika came in, holding a tray and ready.

She looked exhausted. Eyes puffy and red.

Lips bit up and reddened. I hated how she bit at her lips.

"You sure you wanna work?" I asked.

She glared up at me.

"I'm trapped with you regardless."

I smiled.

"Cute. But watch the attitude."

Her face fell.

I placed the plates on her tray.


The entire night she barely spoke, she tried her best to be kind to people but was just sad.

So unfortunately her tips weren't as high as usual.

By the end of the night she came into my office.

I handed her the envelope.

She frowned.

"They can see when you're not actually happy to be here." I told her.

"I'm sorry." She whispered.

"I don't care. I just know you like the tips."

She shrugged.

"Come here. I know you want to protest but I promise I'm not here to tear your head off." I opened my arms and she stood, walking around the table and into my arms.

I pulled her legs up as well, removing her heels that hit the floor.

Her face was curled into my neck, her hand resting on my chest.

I pet her hair.

This was something I've always dreamed of.

I could feel my mind racing.

I could feel myself getting more attached.

"I promise, I'm not out to completely ruin your life. But if you rebel, I'll make it a living hell for you until you understand that with me you can be anything you want to be."

"What does that mean? I have to be with you regardless." She sniffled.

"It'll mean that I can give you everything you want. I can take you anywhere, give you anything, provide whatever. But I want you to be mine through it."

"Yeah but this is the rest of my life. Trapped."

"And you can choose how it begins. Because I'll never let you go."

"I needa go shower. Goodnight." She slowly stood from me.

She looked down at my wrist.

"Is that where my bra strap went?" She referred the the bracelet I wore.

"I'll buy you as many bras as you want. But I'm keeping this."

She frowned.

"How long?"

"Still wanna know?"


"10 months."

Her jaw dropped.

"No one should be into my life for that long. I'm incredibly boring."

"Not to me."

"10 months?"

I nodded.

"Aren't you guilty or feel anything from this?"

"Not at all."

"The same way you're not actually bothered or disturbed by me. The same way you enjoyed me protecting you and kissing you." I said.

She blinked.


"There's no excuse for that, if you enjoy that sort of thing no one is going to judge you. Especially me. It would be hypocritical if I did."

"But I never was-"

"Things change. Don't try to convince me that you want nothing to do with me."

She stared at me.

"That's what I thought." I sighed, studying her perfect body.

Her body was more petite than curvy. Little bubble butt, not too much boob. Everything was just right. She was light enough for me to toss and that's all that mattered.

"Look, I'm trying to figure how I feel out, I need you to let me be until I do so."

I smiled.

"Whatever you want, my rose."

"Stop being nice. It's creepy."

"Want me to stand and grab your goddamn throat and kiss you instead?"

"Not really."

"That isn't a no."


"Then leave." I snapped.


I laughed, sitting in her car as she brought out a suitcase of her shit.

I'm sorry baby. But I told you. You can't run from me.

She popped her trunk and put the suitcase inside, shutting it.

Then she opened the door and sat, turning and about to scream when I pressed the cloth to her nose.

She inhaled the chloroform.

Within two minutes she released my arm in attempted struggle.

And two more after that, she was out like a light.

"I warned you, Danika." I got her from her car and took her to mine.

I took her suitcase although I had things for her.

And called my men to clear her apartment.

Stupid girl. This could've been easy.

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