Nineteen: Saint Morseti

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I rolled out the dough, smearing flour all over to ensure it didn't stick to my rolling pin.

She watched me as I grabbed a knife and cut it into fettuccine shaped pieces since that's what I was making.

I placed them in the boiling water and began the homemade Alfredo sauce.

When I got to a steady place of having to wait, I washed my hands and parted her knees to stand between her legs.

She looked up at me, her green eyes more grey today.

"If you don't kiss me, I'll slit your throat." I whispered and she immediately glanced at my lips.

Her posture got better, back straight as she brought her hands up to my face.

Her fingers moved along my beard, she licked her lips softly and pressed them to mine.

My hands landed on her thighs, moving to her hips, pulling her closer to me.

She arched into me as she let her mouth part, my left hand came up and grabbed her throat, the second she gasped, I let my tongue move over the seam of her lips before tasting her.

I groaned, the obsessive anger in me calming.

This isn't desire. It's not need. It isn't hunger.

It's a compulsion. This is it for me. All I need. Nothing will ever compare to having her. Regardless of her happiness or approval, this was the purpose of my life.

This is life or death.

If she isn't here, I have no place on this earth.

She hummed, wrapping her arms around my neck as she closed her legs around my waist and kissed me back with the same intensity.

Didn't try to dominate or overpower me.

But she knew what I wanted from her.

I stopped, her face falling into the curve of my shoulder, her breathing heavy.

I gently removed myself from her although it was unbelievably painful.

I finished the food, draining the water but keeping a bit in to keep the pasta nice.

I plated the food and went to the table, setting the dishes down, grabbing us waters.

And napkins.

I offered my hand to get her off the island.

Her face was flushed in color, cheeks red, eyes avoidant.

We sat and this time we were on the same side of the table.

I grabbed her chair and pulled it closer to me, guiding her plate here too.

I pulled her thigh over mine, her skin so fucking soft.


I looked at her, chewing the bite in my mouth.

"I went on your computer today and ordered a ring I liked." She murmured.

My heart began hammering, my knee bouncing, excitement and joy filling my body.

I nodded.

"We have to pick it up in store if you want it tomorrow, or just wait until next Wednesday to have it delivered."

But of course we were going tomorrow.

I continued eating and we did this in silence until it was completely gone.

"How does this sound?" I began when I took our dishes to the sink and washed them.

She watched me, listening to what I had to say.

"Tomorrow we go pick up your ring, go shopping for the house stuff including groceries, then come back, get dressed up and go on a little date?" I asked.

She smiled.

"That sounds really nice."

"You do know that the ring will go on your left ring finger correct?" I asked.

Her smile faltered a bit.

"I assumed."

I nodded


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