Fourteen: Saint Morseti

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I finished plating the waffles, I know she wasn't a fan of syrup so I put some powdered sugar on instead before slicing a banana and three strawberries to have on top while placing some of those and adding blueberries to the side.

I placed a glass of chocolate milk beside it, knowing that was a drink she'd splurge on if she had a few extra dollars.

Now that wasn't a concern.

She came down and wiped her eyes.

I brought her breakfast to the table and pulled her chair for her.

She sat.

I pushed the chair in and adjusted her bonnet.

Then I left her to eat since she wasn't a morning person.

I made myself a protein shake because I didn't like eating an actual meal before I worked out.

I left to my room, changing into a black workout shirt and sweats.

I went to my gym and played music, not crazy loud, but loud enough for me to drown anything else out.

Her body weight was my warm up weight.

That was my goal 10 months ago.

I'd bench her weight easy.

As a starting weight.

Now she was in my home, sleeping in my bed, eating the food I cook her, and I was benching her with ease.

After that, I worked on chest and back, it was a push/pull exercise day.

Halfway through my third rep she poked herself through the door with tears in her eyes.

I paused the music and frowned.

"What's wrong?"

She shrugged.

But shock coated me as she came and laid her head on my chest.

She didn't hug me. But just wanted to be held I guess?

So I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her forehead.

"I'm sweaty."

She sniffled, not responding.

"I'm gonna finish this really quick, go shower, and I'll be out. Can you wait for me?" I asked and she nodded.

She stood here, watching as I continued.

Finally, being done I stood, grabbing the towel I brought in and wiped my face.

I went to the kitchen and washed my hands.

She just followed me sadly.

It was adorable.

I offered my hand to her and she took it, walking behind me as I went up the stairs and into our room.

Our room.


I smiled to myself as she sat on the edge of our bed and I went into the bathroom.

I ran the shower, putting on a shower cap, washing my body.

I enjoyed cold showers after working out.

So it was quick and easy.

When I got out, I removed the cap and pulled my hair back into a slicked bun.

I trimmed my beard, shaving from my throat until my jawline.

I came out and got into black jeans and a black T.

I hung up my towel and picked out her clothes for the day.

They arrived this morning and I put them away while she slept.

I came out and placed them beside her.

"It's gonna be colder outside today." I told her and she nodded, looking at them.

I grabbed her chin.

"Don't act miserable. Some people have been kidnapped and treated more brutally than I'll ever treat you." I told her and she nodded.


"Get changed. Your makeup is in the bathroom under the right sink. Hair ties are on the vanity counter. I got you a new toothbrush as well, it's on the right side of the sink. Come down when you're done." I said, grabbing a pair of socks and shoes that go with her outfit.


She had her curls in a half up, half down style and only mascara on her top lashes with some chapstick that she currently held in her hand

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She had her curls in a half up, half down style and only mascara on her top lashes with some chapstick that she currently held in her hand.

"Come sit." I pointed to the chair she ate breakfast in.

She sat and I knelt down, rolling up the cuff of her jeans, removing the ankle sensor and putting on mid-calf socks.

She wore higher up socks when she was colder and her feet were always cold.

Then I untied the shoes I got her and put them on, tying the both of them, standing and offering her help up.

She took my hand and stood.

"Where would you like to go?"

"Uhm, this might be a stretch but can I get this nail fixed? It chipped and-"

"I want your hands redone, I know you regret picking this color." I looked at her nails and she stared at me, shocked.

"Is that alright?"

"I told you, I can never tell you no, my rose. Be on your best behavior and I'll get you anything."

She nodded, letting me hold her hand as I walked her and got her in the car.

I got in my side and leaned over, buckling her in.

Then I got myself.

I felt optimistic.

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