Chapter 4

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Sturm stayed silent.

An hour later. Nova woke up, having moved on Karl's lap in her sleep. When she saw she was in Karl's lap, she got off, her tail down, her ears pinned.

Karl: Well, good morning.

Nova stayed quiet, looking at the floor. She knew who Karl was but she never met him, or the other Lords, before.

Karl: I'm assuming you know who I am, right?

Nova nodded, her left ear flicking.

Karl: Then you know I haven't told Alcina where you are or that you're with me.

Nova looked up at him.

Karl: Sadly, you aren't going to stay with me. I'm going to send you to Donna.

Nova nodded again. Her tail swayed behind her. Karl looked down at her tail, tilting his head to the side.

Karl: Alcina told us you were a kitsune but I didn't believe her. I guess I should.

Nova heard Sturm's propellers spin and looked over at it, her tail going between her legs, her ears pressing down. It was honestly kind of disturbing to look at. Karl chuckled softly and shook his head.

Karl: Don't worry. Sturm won't hurt you.

Nova looked back at Karl then back at Sturm, her ears lifting a little and her tail relaxing. She tilted her head to the side.

Karl: It's friendly. It watched over you while you slept. Made sure none of the lycans messed with you.

Nova's ears fully lifted, her tail swaying a little. Sturm's propellers spun. Nova walked up to it and hesitantly put her hand on one of its propellers. Karl watched with curiosity. No one ever reacted well to Sturm so Nova touching its propeller was new.

Nova's touch was gentle. Sturm flinched away from her touch at first but leaned into it after a second. Nova began to gently stroke Sturm's propeller, feeling its left arm wrap around her waist. She didn't mind it, her tail starting to wag and her ears lifting up.

Karl: Well, I'll be damned.

Karl laughed, taking a drag from his cigar, letting the smoke out.

Karl: I've never seen it hug someone before. Looks like you got yourself a friend, fox.

Nova looked over at Karl, her ears twitching. She looked back down at Strum, who was sitting and hugging Nova, who was standing between its legs.

Karl: That's interesting.

Karl laughed but it was cut short when she heard a loud banging. Nova jumped and Strum's propellers spun slightly. Karl had a feeling on who was banging on his door and sighed.

Karl: Stay here.

Karl got up and went to the door. He was right in who was at the door.

Alcina: Where is she?

Lady Dimitrescu sounded angry. Karl wasn't intimidated.

Karl: Who?

Alcina: You know who.

Karl: I don't think I do know. You're gonna have to be specific.

Alcina: Nova.

Karl: Nova? Don't know them.

Alcina: I'm not playing around, Heisenberg. Where is she?

Karl: I don't know.

Alcina: Then why did her scent lead me here?

Karl: Maybe she passed by. I don't know, Alcina.

Lady Dimitrescu sighed heavily in annoyance. Sturm picked Nova up and carried her to the back entrance. Nova knew what it was trying to say and nodded, giving its propeller a soft kiss before she turned and ran into the forest.

Nova was able to turn into a fox and that's what she did. She shifted to her fox form so it would be easier to move around and she won't get spotted so easily. She didn't know where she was going so she just trotted through the snowy forest. Her ears perked and turned at every sound, her tail swishing behind her. She heard the flapping of wings and looked up, seeing a crow on a branch above her. She ignored it and kept moving away from the factory.

Nova(in her head): Where do I go? Do I circle back to the factory?

Nova then caught a whiff of something sweet and turned her head in that direction. She followed the smell and came to a bridge after a few minutes. She looked up and noticed a few dolls hanging from tree branches, her tail going down. Her ears stayed perked up as she cautiously crossed the bridge. She walked on until she came to a dark mansion on the edge of a cliff, next to a waterfall.

Nova(in her head): What're the odds?

Nova stayed in her fox form, moving as a white mass in the dark forest. She walked up to the front door, the sweet smell stopping there. She didn't know what to do so she looked around. She noticed the same black crow watching her. Her left ear twitched in curiosity. She jumped when she heard the front door open on its own. She stayed still, her ears perked up, her tail still. She saw an unsightly doll in an old white wedding dress walk out from the darkness. She backed away from it, her ears going down.

Angie: Oh, calm down. I won't hurt you.

Nova was surprised to hear the doll speak, although her voice was high pitched and slightly annoying.

Angie: Miranda told us you were coming but we had to lead you here. We know Alcina's looking for you and the last place she'd look is here.

Nova's right ear twitched.

Angie: Come on. Follow me.

The doll walked back into the house and Nova hesitantly followed. The mansion was dark and filled with creepy looking dolls that felt like they were watching her every move. She followed the doll to an elevator that led down to the basement.

Angie: Miranda told us you can shift between a human and fox form.

Nova didn't respond. Her tail swished behind her.

Angie: She also told us you were quiet. Don't worry. Donna's quiet, too.

A few minutes later. Angie led Nova into a room where a veiled figure in a black mourning dress was working on a doll.

Angie: I found her.

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