Chapter 14

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After school, Nova and Rosemary took the bus home. Rosemary had gotten Vega's number and wouldn't shut up about it. Nova didn't mind her talking though, it was comforting for her thoughts. When they got home, Nova went to find Ethan to talk to him. She found him in his study.

Ethan: Hey, Nova.

Nova's ears twitched up then settled down. She walked over, took a piece of lined paper from her backpack and a pencil and wrote.

"I want to go back to Romania."

Ethan read it and looked up at her.

Ethan: You want to go back?

Nova nodded.

Ethan: Why?

"I miss it. It's home."

Ethan sighed softly. He looked down then back up at Nova after a few seconds.

Ethan: I can buy you a plane ticket back there but you'll have to find your way to the village. It's not on any map and I doubt anyone there even knows it exists.

Nova's ears perked up, her tail wagging.

"Thank you, Ethan."

Ethan: Yeah. Just know that if you want to come back, all you have to do is call.

Nova nodded.

Ethan: I'll get you a ticket for the next flight, okay? Go get packed.

Nova went up to her room and started packing her essentials, keeping light cargo. She packed enough clothes, her toothbrush, her hairbrush, bathroom essentials, her phone, and her charger. She doubted she would be able to charge it but maybe if she talked to Karl, he could make a charging port for her. She changed into the outfit she left the castle in, wearing Ethan's jacket over her hoodie again. She looked at herself in the mirror, getting a sense of nostalgia, along with a few flashbacks. Her ears were down and her tail was still.

Ethan came into her room, sitting on her bed.

Ethan: Are you ready to go?

Nova nodded and put her backpack on her back, picking up her duffel bag. Ethan got up and walked out of her room, Nova following. Rosemary and Mia were downstairs in the living room. They looked up and immediately looked confused.

Rosemary: What's with the bags?

Mia: Is Nova going somewhere?

Ethan: Yeah.

Ethan sighed softly and Nova just stood next to him, holding her duffel bag.

Ethan: She wants to go back to Romania.

Rosemary and Mia's eyes widened. They knew Nova's history there.

Mia: You want to go back?

Nova nodded.

Ethan: She said it was home and that missed it.

Rosemary: Well, I'll miss you.

Rosemary got up and hugged Nova. Nova hugged back, her tail wagging slightly and her ears perked up. Nova pulled away and hugged Mia.

Mia: I hope you call us when you land.

Nova nodded. Ethan took her duffel bag and backpack, taking them out to his car. Nova followed him after hugging Rosemary and Mia one last time.

When they got to the airport, Ethan led Nova to her gate, telling the workers that she didn't know where to go and that she had anxiety when she was alone in large places. The workers were very nice and let him go with her. When they were walking away, she overheard the workers call her cute.

Ethan led Nova to her gate and waited with her. They were an hour early so they had time to hangout one last time. They decided to get food before Nova's 11 hour flight.

Ethan: I'll miss you, Nova.

Nova's ears flicked up and her tail swished. They had gotten Panda Express and were eating it in the gate's lounge area. Nova heard people whispering about her, calling her cute and saying how much they wanted to pet her and how cool her ears, tail, and mark were. She heard a few kids giggle and call her foxy. A mother with a child who looked a year old came up.

Mother: Excuse me.

Ethan and Nova looked up.

Ethan: Yes?

Mother: I'm so sorry to bug you but my son wanted to see you up close. He loves your ears.

Nova's ears perked up and she noticed the kid looking at her ears, giggling and smiling. Nova almost smiled. She didn't really like kids but it made her happy that she made kids happy.

Ethan: I'm sure Nova will let him touch her ears.

The mother looked at Nova then her son. Nova didn't really like people touching her ears or tail but she didn't hate it enough to not let a kid touch them. She nodded and the mother stood next to her. Her son reached out and touched Nova's left ear. Her ear twitched slightly at the touch, her tail flicking slightly.

After a few minutes of Nova getting pet, the mother moved away from Nova. She had a grateful look in her eyes.

Mother: Thank you so much. I've been dealing with his tantrum for two hours and nothing has calmed him down.

Ethan: No problem. Nova has that effect with kids.

Nova's tail was wagging. She heard a few people crying and saying that she was so cute and adorable. She looked over at the group of girls, not looking directly at them but being subtle.

Girl 1: Oh, my fucking God. She's so cute!

This was one of the girls crying.

Girl 2: Bro. Calm down.

Girl 3: You could go up and talk to her.

Girl 4: Yeah. If she let a kid touch her ears, she'd probably let you.

Girl 5: Go ask her.

The crying girl looked at her friends then at Nova, covering her face with the sleeves of her sweater. Ethan also overheard them and smirked at Nova.

Ethan: You got fans wherever you go, huh?

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