Chapter 11

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Nova didn't back down. Her tail and ears slowly turned black, her front paws also turning black. She had black marks on her face, under her eyes and a cross with two crescent moons on the sides facing out, and one crescent moon on the top point, facing up on her forehead, going down the bridge of her nose, and red marks in the corner of her eyes. Her eyes glowed, her teeth and fangs still bared.

Cassandra: The hell?

Nova growled. There was a quick, bright flash of white and Nova appeared much bigger than she was before, all nine of her tails showing, her black paws, ears, and tail having moving stars in her fur, the black marks on her face bigger, her eyes glowing brighter. This was Nova's full kitsune form. It was beautiful but scary. She grew 5 times her normal size.

The three sisters backed away, their golden eyes wide, sickles raised.

Cassandra: Since when could she do this?!

Daniela and Bela backed away. Nova stayed in front of Ethan in a defensive stance, growling at her mistresses. Her collar got bigger with her form, the bell jingling softly.

Bela: Little fox?

Bela lowered her sickle and stared up at Nova's full kitsune form. Nova looked at her, not relaxing like she would've before. Nova stayed alert and on guard, protecting Ethan like he has her.

Bela: Calm down, sweet fox.

Nova growled at Bela. She noticed Cassandra moving and quickly growled at her, making her stop. Nova lowered her head to bite the back of Ethan's hoodie, picking him up. She quickly ran away, Ethan dangling from her mouth.

Bela and Cassandra immediately swarmed after her. Daniela was frozen. She'd never seen something like how Nova just looked. She didn't know whether to be scared or mesmerized.

Nova ran down the hall and tucked her head down to protect Ethan as she ran through the front double doors, out into the snowy weather and snow covered land. She heard Bela and Cassandra grunt in pain, hearing Cassandra growl.

Nova ran back to Karl's factory, following her old scent. When she got there, the lycans stopped and looked up at her. Ethan still hadn't woken up and was just dangling by the hood of his hoodie from her mouth. One of the lycans ran into the factory to get Karl. When Karl came out, he froze when he saw Nova in her full form, having to look up.

Karl: I'll be damned.

Nova lowered herself down to set Ethan down in the snow. She sat down, licking her lips like a normal fox would. She looked at Karl then nudged Ethan's body, asking for help. Karl looked down at Ethan then back up at Nova.

Karl: You want me to help him?

Nova's right ear twitched.

Karl: Fine.

Karl then hoisted Ethan's body over his shoulder and walked into the factory. Nova closed her eyes and shifted back to her human form. Instead of her regular white ears and tail, they were black and had the stars in her fur, and the cross on her forehead didn't go away. It looked a lot more intricate, having stars and two mirrored crescent moons on the sides. It had a smaller white cross in it. The black marks under her eyes went away but the red dots didn't.

Nova followed Karl into the factory, her tail down and her ears lifted but not perked up.

Karl: So... that mega fox... What was that?

Nova's tail flicked. That form only came out when she was either very angry or when she felt threatened. She's only done it once before but her fur and features went back to normal a few minutes after. This time, the marks and other features stayed.

Karl: Is it a defense mechanism?

Nova nodded slightly. It could be considered a defense mechanism. She kept following Karl until he got to a room with medical supplies. He set Ethan on the table, on his stomach, and took his hoodie and shirt off. The slash Cassandra gave him was bleeding and didn't look good.

Karl: Damn. Alright.

Karl got medical things, gauze, and tape to clean and wrap Ethan's wound. Nova sat on the counter, her tail curling around her.

A few minutes later. Karl had gotten Ethan's wound cleaned and wrapped. He still hadn't woken up and Nova stayed next to him. Karl brought food for her and for when Ethan woke up. Nova ate in small bites, as usual. Nova was sitting crisscross, her tail lying next to her, her ears perked up.

Karl: I don't when he'll wake up.

Nova just nodded. She kept Ethan's jacket on, finding it comforting. She also had her collar on, the bell jingling every time she moved.

Karl: I want to ask about that mark.

Karl pointed to Nova's forehead mark. She just shrugged, not really knowing what it was either. The last time she was in that form, her marks went away and her fur went back to normal. She didn't have anyone to explain why they didn't this time since her mother was the only kitsune she knew and her father couldn't care less about her.

Karl: Hm. Alright. I'll let you rest up.

Karl then left the room, closing the door quietly behind him.

When Nova woke up, she was cuddling up to Ethan in her fox form, her tail curled up and her ears down. Ethan was gently petting her head, tracing her forehead mark. Nova lifted her head and yawned, nuzzling her head into Ethan's hand.

Ethan: Morning, Nova.

Nova looked at him, her tail starting to wag.

Ethan: What's with the markings? And your fur?

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