Chapter 16

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She sighed softly and threw her duffel bag over the gate, through her backpack next. She shifted to her fox form and went between the bars in the fence. She shifted back to her human form and put her backpack back on her back, holding her duffel bag. She walked slowly and cautiously through the courtyard. She walked up to the front double doors and slipped in, being extremely quiet and cautious. She had her ears perked and her senses on high alert.

She walked through the halls quietly. She didn't hear the buzzing or crazed laughter and giggling of the sisters. Her senses were telling her it was okay, but she didn't want to let her guard down.

Nova(in her head): I don't like this. It feels off.

She stopped walking and stood still, her tail swishing side to side, her ears twitching up and down. She looked down both sides of the hall she was in, not seeing anything or anyone.

Nova(in her head): I don't... trust it. It's never been this quiet in the castle.

Nova shuddered. She rolled her shoulders and let out a soft sigh. She kept walking after a few seconds, carrying her duffel bag. She walked to her old room and set her bags in the corner then left the room. She could move better now without the extra weight. Her heels clicked softly against the marble floor as she walked slowly through the halls.

Her heart stopped when she heard the buzzing. She didn't have anywhere to hide this time and no one to protect her. She shifted to her fox form and ran quietly down the hall. She forgot she was wearing her collar and the bell jingled softly.

Nova(in her head): Damn it. The bell.

She ran into a room and hid in the dark. She heard the buzzing stop outside the room. Her heart dropped at the two voices.

Daniela: I swear, I heard footsteps.

Cassandra: Mhm.

Daniela: I did! Did you not hear the bell?

Cassandra: I did. It could easily be us hearing things. She's been gone for 16 years.

Daniela: I know.

Nova was hiding under a bed, her tail curled around her body, her ears pressed down. They sounded almost sad as they spoke. As if they missed her even.

Nova(in her head): No. They hated me. They tried to kill me last time. They don't miss me. It was a mistake coming here.

Nova heard another buzzing sound and stayed still.

Bela: Guess what I found in Nova's old room.

Nova's heart sank. Her bags. Bela found her bags. Her bags had her scent on them. She stayed quiet but her heart started beating faster. She heard the sound of bags dropping.

Cassandra: She's back?

Bela: Why else would there be bags in her room? None of the maids are allowed to go in there.

Daniela: I knew she was. I heard her bell.

Nova was panicking. If she just stayed hidden, they wouldn't find her.

Bela: We should tell mother she's back and somewhere in the castle.

Cassandra: Let's go.

Nova heard the three of them swarm away, listening to the fading sound of their buzzing. She slowly came out from under the bed, shifting to her human form and opened the door quietly. She opened it enough to see out of it and to see her bags on the floor. She quickly pulled them into the room and hid them under the bed. She left the room quietly, walking very cautiously. She had taken her collar off, putting it in her pocket so the bell didn't jingle.

She listened for the buzzing, footsteps, voices, or laughter but didn't hear anything. She still kept alert and her senses open, her ears perked.

Nova(in her head): I don't like this. I hate it. I hate it so much.

Nova's left ear twitched at a faint sound. She looked back but didn't see anything. She felt a chill go down her spine and shuddered. She looked back forward and kept walking. She hadn't seen any of the maids at all but that wasn't her priority. She didn't even know her priority.

She explored the halls for two hours, not seeing or hearing anything or even running into the sisters. It didn't feel right. It felt like a trap. Like she was being played with. She had shifted into her fox form so her heels didn't click against the floor. Her paws made soft pattering sounds as she walked. She was using her sense of smell to try and find the sisters but she couldn't get any of their scents.

Nova(in her head): I really don't like this.

She heard another noise, one that sounded like giggling. Her tail went between her legs, her ears pressed back, and a chill went up her spine.

Nova(in her head): I. Hate. This.

Nova slowly turned her head to look behind her and was met with the bottom of a black dress. She felt her heart beat faster yet stop at the same time, an adrenaline rush.

Daniela: Well, hello there, Nova. Long time no see.

Nova looked up at the redheaded vampire. Daniela bent down and picked Nova up.

Daniela: You're quite the escape artist, huh?

Nova was too scared to even struggle. Daniela started to gently stroke Nova's head.

Daniela: Where's your collar?

Nova then came back to her senses and pushed against Daniela's chest with her front paws. Daniela chuckled quietly and set Nova down.

Daniela: Fine.

Nova shifted to her human form as soon as Daniela set her down.

Daniela: Shortie.

Nova wanted to glare but didn't want to upset Daniela. Daniela looked down at Nova and saw her collar in her pocket.

Daniela: Oh, there it is.

Daniela pulled the collar out of her pocket and went behind Nova, putting the collar back on her.

Daniela: You know, you're lucky I was the one to find you. If Cass did, you'd more than likely be dead already. If it was Bela, you'd be running. She hasn't been the same since you left.

Nova turned and looked up at Daniela. Daniela noticed her mark and hummed.

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