Chapter 18

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After that hour of attention and affection, Nova was walking through the halls. She was still being quiet, out of habit, but she wasn't nervous about it. She did tense and panic a little when she heard the buzzing but reminded herself she wasn't in trouble.

Bela: Hey, sweet girl.

Bela wrapped her arms around Nova from behind, kissing the back of her left ear then the top of her head. Nova's tail wagged and she leaned into Bela's embrace.

Bela: Mother found new maids so they should be arriving later today.

Nova nodded.

Bela: Hm.

Nova turned and looked up at Bela with a raised eyebrow.

Bela: Why're you so cute?

Nova blushed slightly and looked down. Bela laughed softly and kissed Nova's forehead, her hands moving down to Nova's hips.

Bela: I'm so happy you came back, vulpe dulce. I missed you so, so, so much. I thought you wouldn't have come back after what happened... after I hurt you.

Nova moved her hands up to Bela's face, holding it between her hands. She pulled Bela down and rested her forehead against Bela's. Bela smiled and closed her eyes.

Bela: My sweet fox.

Nova looked up at Bela, noticing how close they were. Her lips parted slightly as her eyes traveled down to her lips. Bela's jaw set then relaxed a few times.

Bela: Nova...

Nova looked back up at Bela's golden eyes, noticing the softness and love in them. Nova didn't even notice Bela getting slowly getting closer until her lips were against hers. Her ears perked up and her tail swayed. The kiss was soft and Nova didn't want to pull away. Bela pulled away slowly, her eyes opening and looking down at Nova with so much love and gentleness.

Bela: Was that okay, vulpe dulce?

Nova nodded slightly and moved closer to Bela for another kiss, which was quickly reciprocated. The kiss was kept sweet and gentle, even when Bela slowly slid her tongue into Nova's mouth. Nova could taste the blood from Bela's mouth on her own tongue. It made her want to gag but she didn't.

Bela hummed softly into the kiss. When she pulled away, she kissed Nova's forehead then her chin, then her left cheek, then her right cheek. She peppered Nova's face in kisses, making Nova smile at the affection. Her tail was wagging and her ears were up.

Bela: I'm so happy you came back.

Nova kissed Bela's nose then nuzzled her neck. Bela just held Nova close, running her gloved fingers through Nova's hair, stroking her tail, kissing her forehead. It was like a dream to Nova. Exactly what she wanted in her life.

After 5 minutes of them being like this, Nova heard another buzzing sound. She told herself not to tense and stayed calm. Cassandra appeared behind Nova, kissing her head then tapped Bela's shoulder.

Cassandra: The maids just arrived.

Bela: Okay.

Bela looked down at Nova.

Bela: Do you want to come with us?

Nova nodded and Bela let her go. Bela and Cassandra swarmed and Nova shifted to her fox form to keep up with them.

The three of them entered the main hall where a line of around 15 or so maids were standing, some looking nervous, some looking stoic, some looking like they regretted taking the job already. One stood out to Nova. A blonde who already looked like trouble. Bela and Cassandra swarmed over to Daniela, standing next to their sister. Nova stayed in her fox form, just sitting by Bela's feet. She had her collar on and the bell was jingling with her movements.

Bela: Hm.

Cassandra: This is kind of disappointing.

Daniela: Right?

The blonde maid looked at Cassandra then looked away. Nova saw a blush on her face. She felt a twinge of jealousy but kept herself calm and moved over to sit by her feet. The maid saw and raised an eyebrow.

Blonde: What's with the fox?

The three sisters looked at the maid. A few of the other maids glanced at her then quickly looked away.

Cassandra: She's our pet.

Bela: Will that pose a problem with your work?

The blonde shook her head and looked down. Nova got up and walked up the stairs and shifted to her human form, sitting on the railing with her legs crossed one over the other, her tail hanging down and her ears up. The maids all looked up at her, some of their eyes widening, some blushing. The blonde looked up and stayed quiet.

Bela: Her name is Nova.

Cassandra: None of you are to approach her unless it's necessary.

Daniela: There will be punishment if you do.

The maids nodded and looked away from Nova, some stealing glances. The blonde looked down and rolled her eyes. Nova could feel her annoyance and jealousy coming off in waves.

Nova(in her head): This'll be interesting.

She kept sitting on the railing until Lady Dimitrescu came in, having to bend down to get through the doors.

Alcina: Apologies for my lateness. I had an issue to deal with.

Alcina looked up and nodded at Nova, who nodded in response. Alcina looked down at the maids, most of them already shaking with fear and keeping their heads down. The blonde kept her head down but wasn't shaking, but Nova could feel her fear.

Alcina: How pitiful. I expected more. Oh, well. You lot will have to do for now.

Nova's tail started swaying and her ears twitched as a fly flew around her left ear. She knew it was one of the sisters flies so she didn't swat at it, just left it be. She knew it was Cassandra since she was smirking.

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