Chapter 7

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She quickly went to hide under Lady Dimitrescu's bed, her tail curling tightly around her, her ears pressed down. Ethan quickly went to hide as well. Cassandra entered the room again, looking around. She growled when she saw Ethan wasn't hung up anymore.

Cassandra: God damn it.

She was about to leave but stopped. She slowly turned back around, her golden eyes scanning the room. Nova's heart was pounding in her chest. She knew Cassandra had smelled her scent. She knew that if she found her, she would be in very deep trouble. She stayed still though, keeping her breathing quiet by covering her mouth.

Cassandra then swarmed away, the buzzing getting faint as she got further from the room. Nova let out the breath she was holding. She didn't move for a few seconds, just calming her heart down. Ethan came out of his hiding spot and went over to the bed, kneeling down.

Ethan: Are you okay?

Nova came out from under the bed and nodded as she stood up. She was in a very dangerous situation, one that could potentially end with her dying or getting severely hurt. She looked down at her bandages, seeing the small blood stain coming from her stomach. Her arm and neck had stopped bleeding but her stomach wouldn't stop.

Ethan: Did they do that?

Nova nodded. Ethan sighed. He stood up next to Nova, looking down at her. He reached out and patted her head softly. Her ears twitched up. He smiled softly at her.

Ethan: Don't worry. I'll do my best to protect you.

Nova had never heard someone say outright that they'd protect her. Although Karl and the other two Lords, and Miranda in a way, had protected her, they didn't say it. She appreciated all of them. Her tail starts wagging, making Ethan chuckle softly.

Ethan: At least you agree. Now, let's go. I have to search the whole castle and I don't know where to start.

Nova nodded and followed him closely. She had just met him but she felt safe with him.

They searched for about an hour, hiding every time she heard the buzzing. She stayed close to Ethan and led him through the castle since she knew the layout. Her ears stayed perked up to listen for the buzzing or Lady Dimitrescu's heels, her tail staying down.

Ethan: I don't know where to look. We've searched everywhere.

They had stopped in the dining room. Nova looked up at Ethan, her tail swishing. Her ears stayed perked up.

Ethan: Do you know?

Nova shook her head. She then remembered that the Duke stayed in the castle sometimes. She took Ethan's hand and led him to the room the Duke stayed in. When they got there, the Duke was there.

Duke: Well, well, well. The fox and the human.

Ethan: Do you know where my daughter is?

Duke: I'm afraid I don't.

Ethan let out a sigh. Nova's ears twitched. The Duke looked at ear with a smirk and raised brow.

Duke: I have something of yours, Nova.

The Duke pulled out her collar, the bell jingly softly. It had a blood stain from where Cassandra cut her throat. Nova's eyes widened, her tail going down.

Ethan: What's that?

Duke: It's Nova's collar. The one her mistresses made her wear before she ran off.

Ethan: "Mistresses"?

Duke: The daughters.

Ethan's eyes widened and he turned to look down at Nova. Nova's eyes stayed fixed on the collar, her ears pressing down, her tail between her legs.

Ethan: Nova. You... They own you?

Duke: Yes, they do. Ask any of the maids and they'll tell you that they treated Nova badly. Well, Cassandra and Daniela did. Bela treated her well.

Ethan looked down at Nova. Nova looked away from the collar, looking down instead. Ethan let out a soft sigh.

Ethan: That's why you keep hiding.

Nova nodded. Ethan took the collar from the Duke, examining it.

Ethan: What's with the blood?

Duke: It's from when Cassandra tried to kill Nova. She held her sickle to the poor girl's throat, got a taste of her blood, and wanted more. The wounds on her arm and stomach are from Lady Dimitrescu getting a smell of Nova's blood.

Nova kept looking down, remembering that day. Ethan looked down at her with empathetic eyes. He patted her head softly, smiling down at her.

Ethan: It's okay. I won't let them hurt you.

Nova nodded.

Duke: You two should get back to searching.

Ethan: Right.

Both of them turned to leave. When they did, Nova immediately heard the buzzing and froze. She didn't have anywhere to hide. Ethan panicked and grabbed her arm and started running. Nova kept up with him, her ears pressed down. The buzzing was behind them but still audible.

They didn't stop running until they got to the kitchen. Nova was breathing heavily but calmly. Ethan started looking through the cabinets for food and healing supplies. He found a loaf of bread that surprisingly wasn't moldy. He tore a piece off for him and Nova, handing her the bigger piece.

Ethan: Here.

 Nova took the piece of bread and ate it in small bites. They decided to relax in the kitchen, sitting on the floor behind the island. Nova's ears stayed perked up, listening for the buzzing. She didn't hear it.

Ethan: I can't imagine how you survived living here.

Nova shrugged, her tail flicking. They stayed in a comfortable silence for a few minutes before Nova heard the buzzing. She tensed and looked around for a hiding place. Ethan picked her up and started running again. He was cut short when he saw Lady Dimitrescu come down the other end of the hallway. He turned but saw a swarm of flies coming from that end. He set Nova down and motioned for her to run down the hallway in front of them. She wasted no time, shifting to her fox form for easier running.

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