Chapter 8

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Nova didn't look back. She heard a buzzing sound following her but she didn't stop. She ran like how she did to lose Cassandra, going into multiple rooms, going in circles, and finally hiding under something. She was hiding under the couch in the main hall, her tail curled around her body, her ears flat. She heard the buzzing stop then the sound of heels on the marble floor.

Bela: Nova?

Bela's voice was gentle, worried, and soothing, just how she always spoke to Nova. She stayed hidden, not moving. She kept her breathing quiet.

Bela: Nova, come out. I've been worried about you.

Nova watched from under the couch as Bela passed the couch, her heel clicking softly against the marble floor in front of Nova. Bela could smell her scent but didn't know where it was coming from since her scent from before she ran off was still there.

Bela: Nova, please. Come out. I won't hurt you.

Lady Dimitrescu said she wouldn't hurt her and she ended up almost killing her just by smelling her blood. Nova's tail curled up tighter around her body. Bela sighed softly then swarmed away. Nova waited a few seconds before coming out from under the couch, being cautious.

She shifted back to her human form. She was still wearing Ethan's jacket. She then realized his scent masked hers. She had an advantage. She walked cautiously around, by herself, in search of Ethan. Her tail was down and her ears were perked up. She wasn't wearing shoes so she had that advantage, too. Her footsteps were soft pats against the marble floor as she walked.

Nova(in her head): This is worse than before I left. Why's it scarier?

Nova's ears perked up at the sound of approaching footsteps. They weren't heeled and she didn't hear any buzzing so she knew it was Ethan.

Ethan: Nova.

He immediately hugged her, picking her up. Nova was surprised. No one had ever done that before. She hesitantly hugged back.

Ethan: I'm glad you're okay.

Nova looked at him, her tail wagging, her ears perked up.

Ethan: I lost them a few minutes ago so we should be good.

He set Nova back down. They started walking again, searching for Ethan's daughter.

They looked for hours, Nova hiding every time the daughters got close. After another hour of searching, Ethan found a yellow jar with a label on it. Nova looked at it curiously. The label had dust covering it but, before he could wipe it away, Cassandra appeared, making Nova's heart stop, her tail drop, and her ears flatten.

Cassandra; Well, well. Look who I found.

Cassandra went over to Nova, grabbing the fox girl by her throat.

Cassandra: Who gave you the right to run away like that?

Nova gripped Cassandra's arm. Ethan aimed his gun at her.

Ethan: Let her go!

Cassandra: Why should I? She's my pet and needs to be punished for running away.

Cassandra pressed her sickle against Nova's throat. Nova held back her whimper. She closed her eyes tightly, gripping Cassandra's arm. Cassandra lifted her off the ground then slammed her into the wall, letting her fall.

Cassandra: You are a very sneaky thing, huh, Nova?

Nova tried to get up but Cassandra put her foot on Nova's chest, holding her down. Ethan shot a warning shot.

Ethan: Leave her alone.

Cassandra: Stupid man.

Cassandra then went to attack him, slashing at him. She hit him a few times but it did nothing to slow him down. Nova got up and took Cassandra being distracted as a chance to run. She shifted to her fox form and ran. She heard Cassandra growl when she saw Nova run.

Cassandra: Stop running, Nova! I'm going to catch you in the end!

Nova just ran, her ears pressed down. She eventually ran into Lady Dimitrescu, which made her heart stop. Lady Dimitrescu looked down at Nova.

Alcina: Well, well. The escape artist has returned.

Lady Dimitrescu bent down to grab Nova by her scruff but she backed away.

Alcina: Stop. Stay still.

Nova kept backing away, not realizing Daniela was behind her until she bumped into her leg.

Daniela: Aw~ Look at you, Nova. So small, so cute, so... killable.

Nova was now panicking. She didn't have a clean exit so she looked for one. If she couldn't find one, she'd make one.

Alcina: You won't get away this time.

Daniela approached Nova, who kept backing away, her tail between her legs and her ears pressed down. Daniela was giggling as she approached. She saw Cassandra appear next, a sadistic smirk on her face as she also approached Nova.

Cassandra: I should've killed you before. You've been nothing but a pain since you got here.

Lady Dimitrescu just sat on the couch, crossing one leg over the other. Nova was alone. She didn't have anyone to help her. She didn't know where Ethan was or if he was still alive. She growled at the two approaching vampires, baring her sharp canines.

Daniela: Oh, so scary.

Cassandra: I'm shaking.

Cassandra went to slash at Nova but she took that as a chance to run. She ran and shifted back to her human form to push the double doors open then shifted back to run faster.

Cassandra: Stupid fox.

Cassandra quickly swarmed to go after Nova. Daniela swarmed after Cassandra. Nova had nowhere to run. She would eventually get cornered or run out of energy. She had one option but that was an absolute, no other option, S.O.S, "the world is ending, God is dead" last resort.

She shifted to her human form, ran into a room, and locked the door. She backed away from the door, her tail between her legs and her ears pressed down. She didn't realize whose room she ran into.

Bela sat on her bed, one leg crossed over the other.

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