something stupid / finch cortez x reader

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You pushed yourself up after being unable to fall asleep. Around you, the boys were all knocked out, most of them having drifted off while the movie was playing.

It was a miracle anyone had been able to fall asleep at all. The couch in the lodging house was only so big, and yet the boys had been determined to fit everyone onto it. People lay on top of each other to fit, and even so, some had already fallen onto the floor.

"Can't sleep?"

You turned to look beside you, where Finch was awake, his elbows propping him up. The light from the TV brightened his features slightly, accentuating his sharp facial structure. You blushed as you avoided his gaze. "Unfortunately."

Finch kicked off Romeo's head—which had been resting on the boy's leg—motioning for you to approach. You did slowly, crawling over Albert, settling down by Finch's side. He threw an arm around you, and there you both sat, quiet as a mouse.

He broke the silence. "Christmas is almost here."

"It is," you agreed. "Excited?"

He shrugged. "I doubt I'll get what I really want."

"And what's that?" you asked curiously, moving around to face him better.

"Something stupid." Finch grinned at you, then seemed to think of something. "Well, the gift itself isn't stupid. Just the fact that I want it." He frowned. "What do you want for Christmas?"

"Same as you," you admitted. "Something stupid."

"Looks like we're both screwed, then."

"Yeah." You laughed bitterly, but resting your head against Finch's chest, the sadness you felt was quickly brushed aside. "You know, they say not to talk to people after midnight."

"Why's that?"

"Makes you say stupid things." You reached for his hand, slowly intertwining your fingers with his. "Makes you want stupid things, too."

"Neither of us have said anything too stupid yet," Finch pointed out.

"No," you agreed. "We haven't."

Finch slowly moved, tilting his head until his mouth lay close to your ear. "Maybe that's something we should change."

You said nothing, your heart beating furiously in your chest.

"Let's tell each other our stupid things," Finch proposed, "and if we regret it... we don't have to bring it up ever again."

You swallowed hard. "What if we spelt it out?"

"How so?"

You took his hand, slowly tracing a single letter. Y. "Your turn."

Finch hesitated, before doing the same thing over your hand. Another Y.

It was your turn. O.

His turn. O.

You gazed at him suspiciously, unsure if he was only copying you. But the nervous look in his eyes told you that he knew exactly what he was doing.



You both sat quietly for a long moment. "You," you murmured silently.

Finch brushed a hand along your cheek. "You."

"Something stupid," you mused, closing your eyes and smiling softly. "Maybe not so stupid after all."

"Maybe not," he agreed.

(483 words)

~ nutcracker645

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2023 ⏰

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