Day 1: Hurt /Comfort

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A/N: Writing this after getting out of the bath. I don't have to take medicated baths but my house has a bad bed bug infestation so to soothe the bites I have to take long hot baths with conditioner every night and i almost fainted :3 (writing this on the 10th!)))

Blueberry had a skin condition. He never told Goo what it was. And Goo knew better that to prod and ask. But Blueberry had to take a medicated bath. Once per night before bed. If he didn't he's be tossing and turning and itching all night long. Completely miserable. Goo knew this.

One night. It was already dark. Blueberry and Goo were getting ready for bed. But only after they had both gotten comfy. Goo realized "Blue?" Blueberry let out a groan. Before looking at his husband. Who was in his arms "Did you take your bath?" Blueberry winced. He hadn't. But he was already comfortable! He didn't want to have to get all the way back up, to the bathroom, turn on the hot water and all that shit! He leaned closer into Goo "I'll be fine. You're too comfy." Goo huffed. Getting up "No way! You've told me yourself it hurts! Plus you always toss and turn! It'll keep us both up!" He grabbed Blueberries stem with his mouth "Come on!" As he dragged him into the Bathroom.

Blueberry turned the water on while Goo grabbed his prescription. He handed it to Blue to measure out. Blueberry poured some in before hopping in. Goo was sitting on the rim of the Bathtub "Hey. Do you want me to come in with you?" Blueberry looked at him. "Sure. The waters hot though." Goo slipped into the bath. Only to immediately yelp "GOD GRAVY!" He stumbled out of the bathtub "HOW IS THAT WATER NOT BOILING!? HOW DOESN'T IT HURT!?" Blueberry shrugged it off "I mean, I guess it does a little. But I'm supposed to have it as hot as I can handle." Goo sat on the chair by the bathtub "I-I'll stay here, okay?" Blueberry nodded "Yeah. Just keep track of the time and tell me to get out in 30."

Only 22 minutes had passed. The 2 had been sitting in very comfortable silence. When Goo noticed something. Blue didn't look... Well. He looked like he was dissociating. To someone who wasn't accustomed to Blueberries behavior you probably wouldn't notice. But Goo did. "Blue? Are you okay?" Blueberry very slowly turned towards him. Before nodded and looking back to the warm water. Goo knew something was wrong. Blueberry didn't have the best reaction time but it took him way to long to answer him. He looked like he was about to faint. He pulled the plug. "Okay! That's it! You need to get out of the bath! It's been..." He checked the clock "25 minutes! That's close enough!" He helped Blue out of the bath. He still seemed really really out of it. Goo grabbed a towel and started wiping him down. "There. Can you stand?" Blueberry nodded.

Goo helped Blue back into bed. He completely discarded the blanket onto the floor. Usually Blue was the big spoon. But today he cuddled into Goos chest. Goo wrapped some of his slime on his husband. He seemed happy at the extra warmth. Even if he was probably still overheating. "Blue? You feeling better?" "Yeah... Sorry... That usually doesn't happen?" "Could you... Tell me what exactly was going on? I could tell something was off..." Blue cuddled a bit closer into Goo "I think I almost fainted..." Goo gasped "WHAT!?" Blue winced at the volume change and hugged Goo closer. Goo took a second to calm down. "I- I didn't mean to yell. I'm sorry. But you have to tell your doctor about that before you take another bath. Okay?" Blueberry nodded. Seemingly already drifting off. Goo cuddled closer to his husband. He was still worried sick. But those scary thoughts could wait. "I love you, Blue." "I love you too..."

12 Days of BlueGoo! (13th-25th)Where stories live. Discover now