Day 3: Christmas Party!

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A/N: This was written by someone who's gotten stoned but never drunk. So keep that in mind lol. I did do an absurd amount of research for a one-shot tho))

Goo had lived in a small log in the woods for most of his life. He enjoyed it. It was quiet, woodsy, full of pinecones, everything you could want in a home. minus weather conditions.

But as much as he hated looking out that window and imagining himself borderline freezing to death in the snowstorm outside. Being inside didn't seem much better.

Green and red lights were flashing, everyone was borderline screaming, bullshit Christmas remixes were everywhere, everyone was drunk off their asses, and worst of all? He couldn't find his husband. He kept getting stepped on by taller objects. Is this how Floory always felt? Damn. He kept searching before residing himself to the kitchen. It was far less crowded and overstimulating. Though OJ and Paper were in there. Goo noticed a crate of alcoholic canned drinks. "Pina Colada" was written on the side.  A piece of paper was taped to it reading "Extra Drinks." OJ looked over "Oh! You can have some of you'd like." Goo smiled at him "Thanks OJ!" And took out a can and sat on a chair. Again if was just Him, Paper and OJ. Paper and OJ were mainly discussing things like cleaning up after the party, the cost of it etc. After opening the can and taking a sip he was rather surprised. It tasted pretty good! For an alcoholic drink. It must have pretty low alcohol percentage! One more can't hurt, right?

Blueberry had finished talking to Candle a while ago. Now he was looking for Goo. He had searched the whole lobby at least 3 times. And still no sign of him. He had asked a few different objects. But no one had seen him. Eventually he ran into OJ "Oh, Uh, Hey. Have you seen Goo?" She thought for a moment "Come to think of it yeah. In the kitchen. He was having some of the Pina Coladas we put out there. He drank a bit." Blue looked worried. "Okay. Thank you." Before he hurried off to the kitchen.

When he got there Goo was in a chair. Half asleep. A few empty cans beside him. Around 4 "Oh god, Goo." He walked over to Goo and picked him up. "You don't usually drink..." Goo smiled "Blue! There you are!" Blueberry didn't reply to that. Instead he carried him out of the kitchen and onto the elevator. As he pressed the button to their floor he asked "How long ago did you drink the 1st one?" "Around 15 minutes ago! I had been looking everywhere for you!" "So the alcohol hasn't kicked in yet. You just drank a shit ton. Especially for a lightweight."

When they got to their room he sat Goo down on the couch before walking into the kitchen. He grabbed some snacks for them. And also googled "How to take care of someone who's drunk" Most of the advice was how to take care of someone who's fatally drunk. He stored all that information away for if things got serious. But Goo was an adult who had dinner before the party. So 4 drinks probably wouldn't kill him. But it couldn't hurt to be safe. Especially since Goo had never drunken before (to his knowledge)

Blueberry read through the advice for things he could do to help Goo, give him plain foods and water seemed to be popping up a lot. Goo didn't like water though. So he grabbed some flavored water instead

When he got back Goo was leaning against a pillow. He seemed pretty out of it. Blueberry sat next to him. "Goo? Are you okay?" Goo looked up at him before smiling and nuzzling into him "Yeeaahh... Just a bit sleepy..." Blueberry passed him some chips "Here. This will help you sober up." Goo took the chips. He had some troubles opening the bag. But when he did he started munching on them. Blueberry pulled out his phone to see a text from Candle. "I heard about Goo, is he okay?" Blueberry texted her back. "He had a bit to drink. But he should be fine. If something serious happens I've already looked it all up and stuff. So yeah."

Goo finished his snack. And once he did Blueberry passed him the water "Here. Drink it slow. I don't want you to get sick and throw up." Goo nodded. Drinking the water. Blueberry threw something on the TV. Goo was cuddled up to him on his side. Which was good. If he threw up in his sleep he'd rather it get all over him that have Goo choke to death. This all felt... Strangely domestic. Him taking care of his beloved husband. Especially since Goo usually had to take care of him.

He didn't realize he dozed off. When he opened his eyes it was morning. Snow was pattering on the window. He looked down at Goo. He was sound asleep. Blueberry smiled. Sleeping in for one night couldn't hurt.

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