Day 5: First meeting

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There was a violent snowstorm outside. Blueberry was on the couch reading a book. His mom, Candle was out doing some last minute Christmas shopping while his Stepdad, Silver was with her. Leaving him home alone. He enjoyed the piece and quiet. When he heard something from outside. He looked out the window and was absolutely baffled. There was a small, blue fellow. Attempting to build a snowman in the greatest snowstorm this year. He looked like he was freezing. Literally. He was mostly good, but the area of him touching the ground looked frozen. He was shoving a huge snowball alongside the ground. Trying to move it to another snowball. Blueberry immediately sprung into action "Hey! Hey you! Are you okay!?" The small, blue object looked at him before smiling. "Yeah! Just building an epic snowman!" Blueberry looked at him, flabbergasted "Dude. It's like in the negatives! You'll freeze to death!" The blue fellow giggled "Don't worry! It's no colder than my house! Er. Log!" "...You live in a log?" "Yeah! It's really nice and woodsy! Though the weather can make it a bit ann-" as he was speaking he accidentally dropped the rather large snowball he was carrying on himself. Blueberry flinched "O-Oh god. Uh. Stay here! I'll be right back!"

Blueberry threw his shoes, coat, scarf and boots on before dashing outside. He dug through the large pile of snow where the blue... Whatever it was was. Eventually finding him. He felt... Weird. Almost gelatinous. But the base of his body was frozen solid. He scooped him up and went back inside. Shutting the door behind him.

As soon as he entered the house he put the blue creature. Infront of the fireplace. Tossing a bit more wood in. He ran upstairs and grabbed some blankets from his room. And also covered the blue fellow in those. The blue fellow didn't reply to any of hid actions. Eventually, once just about every slightly warm thing was atop them. Blueberry stepped into the bathroom. Immediately calling his mom. She picked up relatively quick. "Yes, Dear?" "You know how you said no cats...?" Candle sounded annoyed "If I get home and see a cat I swear, blue." "Well... I'm not sure if it's a cat...?" "Why aren't you sure?" "It spoke to me." "What sound did it make?" "I asked it if it was okay and it said it was building a snowman in thay huge snowstorm." There was a brief pause before candle spoke. "Okay. Definitely not a cat. Me and Silver will be home as soon as poss-" he heard his stepfather through the phone "oh my GOODNESS There's a sale on tableware!!" Candle sighed. Chuckling a bit "I have to go. We'll be home soon, Blue. Behave." Blueberry stepped out of the bathroom. The creature was slowly peeking out of the blankets curiously. "So what's your name?" The blue blob immediately cowered back under the covers. Blueberry walked over and sat beside him. Pausing for a bit. "Can you drink hot cocoa?" Therr was a pause of silence. Before the blob slowly crept out of the covers. Nodding. "Okay. I can make you some. But first what's your name?" "...Goo." alright. The blue fellow has a name. "Alright. Why were you out in the snow?" "I was... Building a snowma- *achoo!*" Blueberry decided not to press further. Even if it'd strange Goo was building a snowman out in this storm that didn't matter. What mattered was keeping him warm and comfortable until Candle got home.

Eventually she did. Goo and Blueberry had drunken their hot cocoa by then. She interrogated him. But it was clear he meant no harm. With him living in a log in this weather she decided he could stay. For now.

Several years had passed. Blueberry let out a loud yawn. Looking out the window. It was snowing heavy. He looked down at Goo. Who was asleep in his arms. Nuzzled up into his chest. He smiled. Enjoying the weird sensory feeling the blob gave him. He rested his head back down. Tired. Even if he had just woken up another nap couldn't possibly hurt. Especially when it's with his love.

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