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Christmas eve night in hotel OJ.

There was a party!

Everyone was drinking and partying like a doctor was coming to saw their legs off.

Tissues was going especially hard. He'd probably have to have Trophy carry him around tomorrow. Poor guy.

Goo was a bit tipsy himself. Though he was being careful after last time he drank.

Blueberry had been roped into a drinking game by Silver. (Aka silver said he was too pussy to play and blue proved him wrong.)

It was 2 in the morning. The party was ending. Afterall some contestants had places to be. Blueberry was out cold on the couch.

Goo walked over to Blueberry.

He had gotten seperated from him. And instead hung out with Bot. Since they were bored since they aren't legally old enough to drink.

"Blueberry?" Blueberry let out a groan. "Are you okay?"

Paper was walking by carrying OJ. Who was out cold. "He drank... A lot." Goo looked back at his husband.

He scooped him up and carried him back to their room slowy. He laid him down on the bed. Making sure he was on his side.

Goo laid down beside him. Drifting off to sleep.

At 4am he awoke to the sounds of clanging. He went into the kitchen to see Blueberry. Making cinnamon rolls.

He smiled "Whats cookin' good looking?" Blueberry looked at him with a sad expression. Goos face softened. "Blueberry...?"

Blue sighed. "I wanted it to be a surprise..." Goo chuckled "I'll just go back to sleep! Wake me uo when you're done."

Not 30 minutes later Goo was awoken by a gentle kiss on his forehead. Making him stir. He looked over st Blueberry. Who looked really happy.

"Morning beautiful. I made cinnamon rolls for Christmas breakfast." Goo smiled. Kssing Blue on the lips. "Thank you."

The cinnamon rolls tasted amazing. Even if they were just the pre-packaged ones. They were made with Blueberries love.

And honestly? That's better than any secret ingredient.

They finished eating around 5. Hotel OJ was holding a big christmas gift opening thing at 7. So they had 2 hours to kill.

"How about we build a snowman!" Blueberry stared at his husband. "Are you kidding? It's 5am." "So?"

Blueberry sighed. "I love you goo, but I'm not freezing my ass off you can make snowmen at 5am."

Hoo huffed angerily. "Well fine! You have any ideas?" Blueberry thought for a momeny before giggling. "I have an idea..."

Goo looked at him. "Oh really? Awesome!" Blueberry leaned into him. A smug look on his face. "Who said we had to do Christmas activities?"

Goo immediately got flustered "O-Oh... Blue..."

Blueberry leaned in. Kissing Goo on his lips. The small blue object squirmed under him.

Suddenly though. Much to his surprise, Goo pushed him onto his back and crawled between his legs.

"You've been topping a lot lately... You deserve a break!" He smiled.

Blueberries eyes widened "O-Oh..." Goo leaned closer to his slit. Looking at him for permission. Blue nodded gently.

Goo began licking his slit eagerly. Watching as Blueberry let out whines and breathy moans. He even squirmed a bit.

12 Days of BlueGoo! (13th-25th)Where stories live. Discover now