Day 9: Setting up lights!

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A/N: Sorry for the short chapter D:))

Blueberries mom liked christmas more than he did. Actually.  More than anyone he knew.

So she tasked him to set up the Christmas lights. He really didn't want too. But hey, like he had a choice.

So he sat on the roof. Setting up lights grumbling. 

The snow was starting to pick up. 

Eventually.  He tripped. Stumbling off the roof.

He groaned. The snow broke his fall. So he was more stunned than anything. 

"BLUE!?" Oh. His boyfriend Goo saw that. Yikes. That's embarrassing. 

Goo hurried over to Blueberry and began helping him up. "Come on! You have to go to your 1 to make sure your okay!"

"I'm fine... the snow-" "Nope! I'm not letting you risk it!"

Blyeberry sighed. He stood up slowly. His back hurt.

When they entered his house Candle and Silver. Who were working on Christmas cookies and cuddling ("Gross." ~Blue) noticed.

"Blueberry? Why are y- Oh... Hi goo..." Candle still wasn't very sure of Goo. She didn't want anyone hurting her baby.

"Hi Ms.Berry! Blueberry fell off the roof so I-" "WHAT!?"

She ran over to Blueberry immediately and began checking him over "Are you okay!? You can in right away right!?"

Blueberry groaned "I'm fine mom. It was a small fall and the snow cushioned my fall. Goo convinced me to come in."

Candle sighed. "Good... now... You should go to bed and warm up. You must be freezing! Silver can handle the decorations. Can't you dear?"

Candle always did this velvety voice with Silver. He would do just about anything for her when asked to do so in that voice.

"Of course dear." He purred. She had him wrapped around her finger. The thought made Blueberry chuckle.

"Alright. Can Goo come with me? I mean, i wasn't going to come in until he convinced m-"

Bkueberry let out a sudden groan. Worry resparked in his mother "Blueberry!?"

Goo looked at his back "Oomph! That looks like a bad bruise." Candle practically shoved Goo out of the way.

"Oh my goodness! Off to bed Blueberry.  Now! And uh... If goo wants to stay to make sure you're okay he can."

Goo smiled "Don't worry ma'am! I can handle it!"

Blueberry laid down in his large bed. He remembered sleeping on a cot on a boat years ago. The thought made him groan.

"Are you okay? Do you need some ice!" Blueberry sighed. "I'm perfectly fine Goo. Lay down. I know how cool your... "house" is."

Goo mumbled something before laying down. Though any frustration he had was immediately swept away by the comfort.

But... he had to stay awake to keep an eye on Blueberry! Even if he hadn't ever actually slept on a bed before and... it was so comfy...

Blueberry shut off the lights. The only light coming from a star shaped nightlight by his bed. He cuddled up to Goo.

"Goodnight Goo." He couldn't stay awake anymore. He purred out "Goodnight love..."


Blueberry looked at the window. Silver was hanging by a leg wrapped in Christmas lights.

"Mom! Silver needs help outside. He's hanging by a leg."

"W H A T ! ?"

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