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A patient is laying on the hospital bed lost in his deep slumber the whole room is embraced by silence sun light is making it's way though the window falling on the patient face soon he catch the nurse's attention when he moved his head a little.

Nurse : sir? Wait I go and call the doctor.

The octor entered the room and found the patient who has opened his eyes after 3 months he quickly went to him and check him.

Yoongi : Why I am here?

Doctor : Mr. Min how are you feeling now?

Yoongi : I don't know but I am feeling really weak.

Doctor : it's fine just give me few minutes I check you up and call your family members.

Yoongi : family? I don't remember.

Doctor : umm relax Mr.Min first let me do my job then I will answer your questions.

Yoongi look at him all confused and worried buy don't say anything and lower his eyes.

The doctor come out of the room and a middle age lady come to him as quickly as she can and few more people with her.

Mrs.Min : my son is fine now? Can I meet him doctor?

Mr.Min : how is my son now?

Hoseok : yes doctor how is my friend?

Doctor : first of all please relax don't freak out but but I think he lost his memory.

Mrs.Min : what!! He don't remember me? How can this is possible I am his mother I give birth to him.

Hoseok : aunty relax doctor he will gain his memory soon right?

Mr.Min : yes how long it will take him memory to recover?

Doctor : currently he doesn't remember his past but yes it's possible that he might gain his memory in a short time or long time of period but you all have to treat him with patience.

Mrs.Min : can I meet him?

Doctor : yes but don't force him to remember everything and there is some paper work to complete so please someone come with me.

Mrs.min : ok jimin come with me.

Hoseok : yes jimin you go me and uncle go and do the paper work.

Mr.Min : hmm.

Yoongi POV.

I was sitting on the bed look outside the window with a messed up mind I lost my memory atleast that's what the doctor told me I heard the door opening a lady walked to me and took me in her embrace it makes me shoked but unknowingly I felt safe I close my eyes in the sweet feeling she is warm and comforting I feel like a lost child who just go home after a rough day I slowly hugs her back we stay like this for a while, she broke the hug I look at her not unknowing what to say.

Mrs.Min : yoongiaa did you remember me I am your mother.

Yoongi : umm mumma

I instantly believe her I don't remember her but her touch is familiar even tho our mind forget but body never forget anything

Mrs.Min : yes I am your mother how are you feeling now? Are you ok?

Yoongi : just feeling weak.

Mrs.Min : don't worry you will be fine I will feed you lot of health food then you will be strong just like before.

I was listening to her then I feel someone's eyes on me there is a boy who is staring at me continuously I look at him his eyes are full of innocence with a angelic face and medium long hairs but somewhat he looks sacred I don't know why but my heart felt an ache it hurts when I look at him a unfamiliar feeling begin to grow inside me soon few tears roll down from my eyes without my permission it hurts, it hurts so much but I don't know why.

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