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Time skip in evening.

We are walking towards the exited he doesn't not seem to enjoy it at all he have his blank face all the time he doesn't got to the rides he said he is afraid of high *sigh* he again making me hopeless.

Yoongi : jimin you should atleast try the roller coaster ride once.

Jimin : I am afraid of high.

Yoongi : hey I am with you you don't have to be afraid.

Jimin : have you doesn't make a difference.

Yoongi : 🥺 please.

Jimin : *roll his eyes* ok fine but just once.

Yoongi : yes!

I dragged him to the rollercoaster I know it will be fun we sits on the site I am right next to him he seems really nervous.

Yoongi : don't worry.

Jimin : shut up.

Yoongi : ok

The rides starts I saw jimin closing his eyes I was calm but not for too long the rollercoaster went down FUCK THAT'S TOO FAST!!!!


I feel like dying but the I hread him laughing I dare to open my eyes and look at him he laughing his ass off for a moment I forgot I am on a rollercoaster he looks so beautiful when he laughs but I snapped out of my thoughts when the rollercoaster takes turn.


Author pov.

The ride finally end yoongi went down and instantly fall on his knees while jimin is laughing is ass off looking at yoongi.

Jimin : haha you said Haha you haha.

He holds his stomach.

Jimin : aghh haha *take a deep breath* you said don't be afraid I am with you and then you were the one who was scream for your dear life *giggle*

Yoongi : they were driving that shit like crazy!!

Jimin : come on that's a rollercoaster what else you expect from it? To roam around like a caterpillar?

Yoongi : offcourse not but still.

Jimin : *laugh* ok come lets go home stand up.

Yoongi get up with his shaking legs.

Yoongi : fuck they actually scare the shit out me.

Yoongi takes some deep breath and calm himself down.

Yoongi : ok let's go.

Yoongi pov.

We sits in car I start to drive I look at jimin he seems happy FINALLY!!! ok calm down we still have lot of work to do but still I deserve to be happy it wasn't a easy task to make him happy.

Jimin : this road don't lead to our house.

Yoongi : yes it don't.

Jimin : where are we going.

Yoongi : beach.

Jimin : it's really far from here.

Yoongi : so what are you hungry? We eat in the park don't we?

Jimin : no I am not hungry but it will take almost 2 hours to reach there we should just go home now.

Yoongi : it's fine.

Jimin : what we will do there at night?

Yoongi : umm I don't know I just wanted to go that's it.

Jimin : *sigh* you never think twice before doing something.

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