8 The End

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Jimin : how can I? I always give my best just to get noticed by you, do you even have any idea how happy I was when I got to know you are marrying me? Do you know how it feels like when your husband say that he will give you a divorce within a year on your wedding night? Do you know how is feels like when someone you love call you discusting? Do you know how it feels like get beaten by your the person you love the most? No you know nothing so don't pretend as if you do.

My heart breaks in pieces he is right I know nothing he is the only one who suffers.

Yoongi : jimin what do you want?

Jimin : set me free, free me from this marriage and you.

I press my lips into a thin line no I don't want too I want him in my life but I can't trap him eighter

Yoongi : jimin I will.

He looks at me.

Yoongi : I will sign the divorce papers but please stay with me as long I am being your dream husband.

He looks at me all confused.

Yoongi : leave me on the day you feel like you don't want to stay anymore divorce papers will always be with you but please don't sign them until you feel like I am not keeping you happy, stay with me a day and I promise I will make sure to give you a reason to stay with me tomorrow just a day you can leave me whenever you want or like just a day I will prove myself every day that yes I worth to be your tomorrow please give me a chance.

He looks down I feel my heart beat running a marathon.

Jimin : ok but promise me you will let me go when I want.

Yoongi : I will I promise I never back off from my words I swear.

Jimin : *nodded* hmm

Yoongi : I will give you the divorce papers tomorrow.

Jimin : ok.

Yoongi : should we go back?

Jimin : yes I am cold.

I pick him up in my arms he don't say anything just wrapped his arms around my neck I made him site on the passenger site.

Yoongi : let's go home and then we will order something.

Jimin : ok.

Yoongi : what do you want to eat?

Jimin : anything.

Yoongi : pizza?

Jimin : ok.

We come home I ordered pizza and eat he looks sad.

Yoongi : jimin.

Jimin : hmm?

I hold his hands and pull him towards me and hugs him.

Jimin : what?

Yoongi : why are you sad now?

Jimin : nothing.

Yoongi : I am sorry.

Jimin : I am done with your sorries.

I look into his eyes and lips.

Yoongi : can I?

Jimin : what if I say no?

Yoongi : then I won't.

He don't say anything further and back off.

Jimin : I am sleeping.

Yoongi : good night.

He lay down cover himself with blanket I turned off the lights.

Yoongi : can I cuddle you?

Jimin : no

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