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Teahyung : will you please take him he is heavy.

Yoongi : umm yeah yeah sorry.

Teahyung : thanks.

Yoongi : thankyou so much for dropping him home.

Teahyung : it's ok I am going now bye.

Yoongi : bye

I lock the door and look at jimin he is sweating like hell.

Yoongi : are you okay?

He don't speak anything I got worried so I pick him up and take him in our room make him lay down on bed.

Yoongi : jimin jimin say something are you ok?

Jimin : hot.

Yoongi : who tell you to drink this much?

I turn on the AC I look at him he is removing his jacket I don't stop him.

Yoongi : wait I go and bring you some lemonade.

I go and make some lemonade When I enter the room I got to see one of the most beautiful view of my life he is laying on bed shirtless breathing heavily with those messed up hairs damn he looks so breath taking and those tattoo and his smooth skin I wander how it feels like to touch fuck I never know he have abs Nighter I know his one shirtless view will be enough to make me hard but hell no control yoongi you can't just took advantage of a drunk boy I slowly approch him.

Yoongi : jimin drink it.

He looks at me but don't get up.

Yoongi : get up.

I extend my hand so he can grab it he takes it I pull him so he can sit and my eyes fall on his mood line tattoo which is on his back I swear he looks unreal at this moment control!

Yoongi : Drink.

He drink it and again drop himself on bed I can't help but to stair at him like a creep.

Jimin : hyung.

Fuck did he just call me hyung? Damn why it sounds so beautiful from his mouth.

Yoongi : y...yes?

Jimin : my head.

Yoongi : hurts?

He nodded cutely aghh don't act like this fuck I love it when he is drunk.

Yoongi : do you want me to get it a massage?

Jimin : hmm.

I sits on bed and take his head on my lap and massage it softly he looks like a cute little a baby.

Jimin : hyung

He holds my hand aghh I will die if you keep on acting like this hell his voice is so beautiful I never released it till now.

Yoongi : yes love.

Jimin : my pants tight.

Yoongi : umm ok I changed it.

It's ok I have done it before I can't understand why he likes skin tight pants so much but no lie he looks hot I go and grab his shorts and t-shirt, sit in between his legs removing the belt I never thought I will be removing someone's pants for some other reason.

Yoongi : lift your ass.

He do what say I remove his pant and make him wear the shorts and a loss t-shirt I look at him he is sleeping so I lay down beside him facing him he looks cute while sleeping.

I turn of the lights only the lamp is glowing in the dark I cup his face and Caress his cheek with my thumb.

Yoongi : we are together still so far away.

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