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Time skip next morning.

Author pov.

Jimin wake up because of sunlight he looks around but found none so he walk down stairs he knows yoongi much be cooking breakfast.

Jimin pov.

I went down and see yoongi cooking in the kitchen shirtless *sigh* this boy don't like clothes.

Jimin : we are late for office.

Yoongi : we are not going today.

Jimin : why Sunday it tomorrow not today?

Yoongi : because I say so.

Jimin : fine stay home I go and see the work.

Yoongi : you are not going anywhere.

Jimin : that's childish yoongi.

Yoongi : you are working too much take rest and I also have a little headache.

Jimin : then why the hell you are cooking?

Yoongi : you talk too much sit I serve.

Jimin : *sigh* fine.

Yoongi pov.

We start to eat but hell I don't think he has any effect of me being shirtless he looks normal I look at his coffee mug let's try this.

Author Pov.

Yoongi extend his hand and grab jimin's coffee mug jimin look at him confused and then yoongi takes a sip from jimin's mug while looking at jimin's lips.

Yoongi : I was just checking the level of sweetness I think it's ok.

Yoongi returns the mug.

Jimin : I have too a sip from it you should not drink it.

Yoongi : so what? I am your husband.

Jimin : you are weird.

Jimin POV.

I begin to eat my breakfast does he really think I am not understanding what he is trying to do? Asshole he is trying to seduce me not gonna happen with those cheap tricks

Yoongi pov.

He eats and went inside the room I don't think I can complete my task like this what should I do? Fuck I don't know how to seduce people.

I went inside the room it's empty he is in shower should I join him? Nahh not a good idea let him come out first I remembered when I first huge him from behind and whispers in his ear he closed him eyes he even tremble should I try it once again? Why not but what if I got another slap? Doesn't matter.

Author pov.

Jimin just come out from the bathroom and yoongi hugs him from behind.

Jimin : what the fuck you are doing?

Yoongi : why? Can't I huge my husband?

Yoongi pov.

I whisper in his ear and yess he shiver again while closing his eyes tight I see it in the mirror his ears and sensitive but fuck he doesn't take much time to go back normal he looks angry now shit.

Jimin : leave me min yoongi!

Yoongi : I won't.

I again whispers and bite his earlobe.

Jimin : yoongiii~~~

Yes that's the soft sound I was waiting for.

Yoongi : yes love.

I lick his ear he again close his eyes tight I hope he won't be even more mad.

Jimin : what are you doing? Leave me.

Yes he is melting slowly I let him go and he grab his ear which I just licked he is looking so freaking cute.

Jimin : What do you want?

Yoongi : relax I was just playing.

Jimin : are you stupid?

Yoongi : yes I am.

Jimin : if you do this again I swear I will Sue you!!

I take a step closer.

Yoongi : On which behalf? What will you say to them? That you legal husband kiss your ear that sounds funny.

I look at him he is nervous as shit I smirk intarnaly I take a step more closer he walks back keeping his head low with his red cheeks what a view in no time I trapped him in my arms our height is same just a different of a Inch so my face is really close to him.

Jimin : yoongi stop.

Yoongi : what will you say to them?

Jimin : I say leave me.

Yoongi : what will you do if I don't?

Jimin : I swear I will beat you up.

Yoongi : you aren't even looking in my eyes and telling me that you will beat me?

I take a step more closer now our bodies our touching each other.

Jimin : yoongi you are making me uncomfortable.

Yoongi : you don't have to be look at me.

He don't so I made him by his neck his eyes contains fear I feel bad am I scaring him? I softly caress his cheek with my thumb.

Yoongi : I love you.

He takes a deep breath and shut his eyes before pushing me away I almost fall on the ground but I maintain my balence with the help of the wall gotta say he looks weak but he is pretty strong.

Jimin : I HATE YOU!!!

I just saw him running away from there *sigh* how I am gonna fix it?

Time skip after a month.

Yoongi pov.

a whole month pass our summer holidays come nothing changed between us he is still like before cold and dead nothing excits him literally nothing I take him on date but no reaction I try to seduce him no reaction I complement him no reaction I don't have any hopes now but still I am min yoongi I am not going to give up but yes I don't try to touch him after that it's not like I never try but little I know he hates it he always run away from me like I am some kind of dieses am I that discusting? I try everything literally everything to make him love me but nope nothing is working and our divorce date in coming closer day by day I have no idea what to do anymore Currently it's night I was waiting for him to come home he went out with his friend teahyung it's 11 pm he is still not back I am worried now I do call teahyung he said they are on way jimin is drunk so it's hard for him to handle him soon I heard the door bell I went and open the door teahyung is carrying jimin he looks so fucking drunk he can't even Stand.

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