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Yoongi : you are my husband I have rights on you!!

Yoongi say while raising his voice.

Jimin : no one has more rights on my body then my own self!! IT'S MY BODY I WILL DECIDE WHO SHOULD I LET TOUCH IT AND I am NOT going at be your personal slut UNDERSTAND? Go to those whores you are always busy with GET LOST!! You characterless man!!.

Jimin shouts on yoongi making him cliche his jaw He grab jimin's neck tightly.


Yoongi shouts back but that's it jimin has enough he removed yoongi hand and place a tight slap on his cheek making his lip bleed yoongi pause for a movement he can't believe that jimin just slap him the same soft boy who ran away from him if he get close the same boy who tremble under his touch he just can't believe it's the same jimin while jimin get up from bed and face yoongi his eyes are burning in anger.

Jimin : I am not your property Mr.Min and if you want to touch my body then touch my heart first I will submit my own self happily but if you think you can force me forget it! I am not that weak I CAN fight for myself!.

Jimin walk out while yoongi is still trying to processing what just happened.

Jimin POV.

That's too much WAY too much yes I love him but still I am not going to be his slut I can't just always give him what he wants I think he has gone crazy after not having sex for 3 months maybe that's why now he begins to like boys too *chuckle* he used to call himself a real man just because he is straight where the fuck his manliness goes? Hell? Bastard I fucking hate it how can he just try to force me? But it's ok jimin just 6 more months you will be free after that just a little longer you have to stay stronger than before he is out of his mind right now but still I think he is gonna regain his memory soon his parsonality is becoming just like before same attitude same anger I hope when he regains his memory he won't force me I can handle when he hit me but it's way harder to free myself when he is on the top of me

Time skip afternoon.

Author pov.

Yoongi's parents come over to see their son currently they are having lunch yoongi's parents are pretty happy to see their son all healthy like before.

Mrs.min : yoongi something happened? You look sad.

Yoongi : no mumma everything is fine.

Mrs.min : don't lie to me.

Yoongi : just a little headache mumma nothing else.

Mrs.min : ok take rest after eating.

Yoongi : *node* hmm.

Mr.min : when you are planning to get back to your job.

Mrs.min : how can you say this he haven't even gain his memory.

Mr.min : yes I know but tell me how long jimin Will take care of everything? He is taking care of yoongi and company too you know I am old now I can't help him a lot now and who cares about mamories our son is sitting infront of us all fit and fine and he loves us I think that's enough.

Mrs.min : bu~~

Yoongi : I will join soon dad.

Mr.min : that's my son jimin will help you right jimin.

Jimin : offcourse dad.

Mrs.min : and yeah our share holder's  daughter come from America so she throw a party you both have to come.

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