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Author pov.

Time skip after 1 week.

Yoongi still don't recover his memory but he is doing fine and become healthy again jimin take care of him really well so Mrs.Min and Mr.Min went to their house they know they don't have to worry about yoongi but yoongi is feeling bit wierd, his and jimin relationship are not like a married couples but still yoongi convenience jimin to stay with him in the same room he is falling for jimin's sweet and caring behaviour but jimin is just increasing the distance between them.

Yoongi pov.

I was watching a movie I saw jimin coming out of the shower fully dressed like always.

Author pov.

Yoongi went to jimin and hugs him from behind.

Yoongi : jimin why do you always come out dressed?

Jimin : yoongi what happened?

Yoongi : you can just come out in a towel we are married aren't we?

Jimin : I don't understand your logic.

Few moments passed yoongi don't leave him and jimin begin to feel uneasy.

Jimin : yoongi leave me.

Yoongi : why? I can't hug my husband?

Jimin : yoongi why are you being so clingy? I am seeing this from few days.

Yoongi : why you never come close to me?

Jimin : yoongi what got into you all of sudden.

Yoongi : you look really hot with wet hairs

Yoongi whispers in his ear sending shiver down to his spain jimin close his eyes at the sensation but it won't take long for him to wake up in reality he push yoongi away bit harshly.

Jimin : what's with this behaviour min yoongi!?

Jimin raise his voice Yoongi felt a sudden anger rushing in him.

Yoongi : what did I do wrong?

Jimin : umm..

Jimin fell into silence yoongi is right he don't do anything wrong but still jimin don't want to get attached.

Yoongi : jimin what is wrong? Why you always run away from me?

Yoongi say while taking a step closer.

Jimin : yoongi I think it's too late you should sleep.

He try to change the topic but it didn't work.

Yoongi : I want answer jimin.

Jimin : ok fine I am sorry now leave this topic.

Jimin walk from there but yoongi holds his hand and pull him closer making him bump into him their lips almost touch but he balence his self and take a step backwards but yoongi don't let go his hand.

Yoongi : I am waiting for my answer jimin.

Jimin : yoongi there is nothing between us.

Yoongi : then why did you marry me?

Jimin takes deep breath.

Jimin : you don't wanted to marry anyone but your parents where forcing you so came up with a excuse that you are gay but unfortunately your parents engaged your marriage with me I was your secratary and  your childhood friend plus I am gay, so yoongi there is nothing between us but don't worry we are going to get divorce in a year and 6 months already has passed.

Yoongi : I like you jimin.

Jimin : you are not gay.

Yoongi : I don't know but I like you jimin I want to give this marriage a chance.

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