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Yoongi pov.

I come down to have breakfast he is already eating he doesn't even bother to call me he is cold I go and sits next to him he doesn't even look at me.

Yoongi : are you ok now?

Jimin : yes.

Yoongi : jimin.

Jimin : hmm.

Yoongi : how I was used to be.

He don't react.

Jimin : why so sudden?

Yoongi : last night I heard from someone that I used to be an asshole.

Jimin : forget it.

Yoongi : I want to know.

Jimin : I have a important meeting to attend I can't do it online so I am going we will talk when I come back.

Before I could say anything he got up he always avoid this question was I that bad?

I look at the CCTV cameras he never let me check them but today he is not home I got a great chance.

After 15 minutes.

I saw him going out of the house I wait for more 10 minutes incase he come back to get something but no he don't I got up.

Yoongi : Mr.choi I want to see the CCTV footage.

Choi : sir young master told me you are not allowed to.

Yoongi : you know I can kick you out of his house wherever I want right?

Choi : sir please lis~~~

Yoongi : do what I said!

I raised my voice I know it's enough to make him do whatever I want.

Choi : o..ok sir come with me.

I went with him he unlock the door and on the computer his hands and shaking which is making me nervous too.

Time skip at night 10 pm

Jimin pov.

What a exhausting day I throw my bag and jacket on the couch and mr.choi bring me a glass of water he looks nervous for some reason.

Jimin : what happened Mr. Choi?

Choi : no nothing boss should I prepare the dinner?

Jimin : I eat already what about yoongi do you give him the medicine and food.

Choi : yess sir.

Jimin : good.

I went into my room yoongi is sitting there silently I chose to ignore it and take a warm bath I am really tired for now, soon I come out drying my hairs he is still sitting there in silence.

Jimin : what happened?

Yoongi : nothing.

Jimin : ok.

I go and lay down next to him I am getting used to of his company in bed now I turned on the other side and I feel his arms wrapping around me that's what I don't like but still I don't want to create a scene here he snuggle his face into my neck.

Jimin : yoongi please stay away how much time I have to say the same shit.

He back off like a good boy I like it that's good he finally listening to me.

Time skip after another week.

Jimin pov.

During this week a lot of things changed he again join his CEO job which he is doing pretty well which makes me think that he regain his memory but he is being polite and soft now he listens whatever the fuck I say but still I know he is acting I know his memory is back if not then how the fuck he remembers how to do his job, cook and drive? No matter how many times he say he just learn it, I know is acting But still I am silent just like him everything is going fine for me then why should I bother to destroy my peace currently I am laying down on the bed watching TV then he comes out from the shower in towel like always so I chose to ignore him and focus on the movie soon he come and sits beside me after wearing his sweat pants.

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