caffeine {fyodor dostoyevsky} pt. 2

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Chikako couldn't clean up the mess as she was busy getting scolded by the owner of this cafe

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Chikako couldn't clean up the mess as she was busy getting scolded by the owner of this cafe. Honestly, she somehow deserves this scolding as she was persistently slacking off and causing much trouble. You even heard from the other workers about how she had wrecked the coffee machine and they had to buy a new one because there's no point in fixing it.

She sure is the type of employee that asked herself to get fired and as much how she will think that the owner is being mean in scolding her, she actually needs to know how nice he is to give her a chance multiple times and put up with her.

So now, you're the one that has to mop the floor that was now sticky and smells bad because of the mixture between the food and drink. You still can feel the pain on your feet and belly, because the tea before was hot and steam was still coming out of it and now you were just grateful that your skin didn't burn that bad.

Comparing to this, you have gone through much more terrible wounds and this was like a small cut that feels nothing to you.

It's not causing you much discomfort.

But what is causing you to feel that way is something else.

You guessed it.

It's none other than the beautiful man's stares at you. Now you realise that Chikako was not lying to you or stating a hyperbole. It is the truth all along... that he has been looking at you.

You're not liking it of course. It's making you uncomfortable. There's no such thing as this gesture of his to be something that makes you tingle inside or some shit and you also loathe of the fact that romantic media also had made a character getting stared at from an attractive person is something to be proud of or romantic.

Anything can be romanticised at this point and they used the word 'love' to justify it being okay.

As much how you wanted to stay focus with the mopping and leave him be, it was starting to get to a point where an exasperated feeling crept up inside you.

You just want him to stop.

It's as simple as that.

You stopped yourself for a moment and meet his gaze. His hands were interlocked together and he rest his chin on top of them. It creeps you out even more to think that he's looking at you like you were some type of display that's amusing him. A view to enjoy. A scenery to capture his eyes with and save it inside his mind. Like they were cameras or something.

You placed the mop in front of you back into the pail that was filled with water and mixed with a strong smell of detergent. You then spoke, "Is there anything you want to say, sir?" As you finish those words, you begin to fold your arms, indicating to him that he should not take you as some type of joke and implying that you want him to stop doing that .

He lets out a chuckle, like your reaction was so amusing to him. "It's not just anything. It's lots of things."

How wonderful. He was purposefully saying things that are making you curious now. It's annoying indeed. The way he say his words so vaguely and not giving too much information just for you to not comprehend fully.

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