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I walk into the school and immediately see Louis coming towards me. "Hey, where were you this morning? I tried to call you all the time, but you didn't answer.' I look at her. "I was just going for a walk, just wanted some fresh air," I say, not wanting to tell you I was with Adam all morning. I know I can believe and trust Louis, but I don't want to bother her about it all the time. I see Jacob walking towards us. 'Ladies and gentlemen, we have the first hour off, the teacher is ill.' I feel myself getting annoyed, because this means I can spend another hour with Adam. Now that makes no sense at all, because if I now go to Adam, Adam will probably already have disappeared. I look around and suddenly felt a nasty feeling come up. I quickly walk to the bicycle shed, I don't know why, but something pulls me to the bicycle shed.

When I arrive at the bicycle shed, the door closes with a strong wind force. I try to push the door open but don't feel any movement. After a few attempts I walk into the bicycle shed. I don't see anyone around me who is also stuck in this bicycle shed. I felt a gust of wind go up my neck. I turn and see nothing but darkness. I walk back and forth, and only felt the darkness coming closer to me. I look up and suddenly see a black cloud rising in the darkness. I see the black cloud coming towards me and getting bigger and bigger. I run to the door and bang on it as hard as I can. When I have done that I turn around and see the cloud in front of me. Suddenly the cloud turns into a person. I felt the fear come up. 'Who are you?' I ask gently. "I'm Kilian." I felt panicked. I want to scream but I can't get it out of my throat. I look at Kilian and felt the fear getting worse. I think he looks even scarier and more nasty in real life than what I had imagined. 'So you are Mariëlle', Kilian says to me. 'No, you have the wrong person in front of you,' I say to distract him from the delusion. 'Hey Mariëlle, we both know who you are or what you are. Adam and Dian probably explained that long ago." I look at him. 'I just want to tell you something clear, you can choose Mariëlle You choose my side or Adam and Dian's. But if you choose the other one I'm going to make it tough for you, I'm going to lock you in the dungeons with the king. Because of that I really leave you to death no food no drink, just see how long you can last Mariëlle.' I get up and look at him. At that moment I hear the door open, and Louis came into the doorway. I turned to Louis and then look in front of me again and don't see Kilian anymore, he's gone. "Marielle, what happened?" I look at Louis and feel anxious words because the threat of Kilian is now only haunting my head, I can only hear the words he just said echoing in my head. "Shall we go to the cafeteria?" Louis asks me. "Okay," I say, and we walk together to the entrance of the school.

When we walk into the canteen I see all students sitting at a table with others opposite or next to them. They are all busy talking about anything and everything. But I hear everything ten times double at the moment. Everything seems so close while I'm still standing at the doorway, and the students are all at least ten meters away from me.
I hear the students talking about today's test, about teachers who were annoying today, and about boys and fashion. I felt myself going crazy with that echo in my head. I'm starting to get a headache. At that moment I see everything spinning around me, and I fall backwards with a bang on the ground.

I slowly open my eyes and feel my heart pounding. I put my hand on the back of my head, and feel that it was quite wet in the place that hurts so much. I pull my hand back and look at my bloody hand. I see Louis look at me in shock. "Marielle, are you okay?" I hear a voice say on the other side of me. I look up and see that it is Mr. De Lange and looks at me with concern. I look at him and don't really know what to say. 'I'm fine', I finally say, because I don't want my parents to be called to pick me up later. My parents have enough on their minds right now. I look at him and see Jacob walking towards me. 'Hey Marielle, what happened?' Jacob questions me. I see a grin appear in his expression. 'Well, Jacob, I didn't get well, and I passed out. I hit my head on something, and now I have a hole in my head.' I see Jacob looking at me with concern. 'Does it have to be attached? Do you have to go to the hospital?' I look at him and get up. 'It's not too bad, think a cloth on it, and it's over.
I get up and walk towards the toilets and grab toilet paper and then wet it and put it against my head. I see Louis looking at me with a questioning look. "Now tell the truth, what just happened." I look at Louis and then look at myself in the mirror. I see I was as white as a ghost. "Did you see a ghost again?" Louis asks me. 'No, not that, I heard everything everyone in the cafeteria said ten times louder and heard everything mixed up. I went crazy and passed out.' I see Louis looking at me with his mouth open. "Marielle, it's going to be okay. Adam's helping you, isn't he?' I look at Louis. "Yes, but can I still trust you after you've told everything to your father?" I look at her sternly. 'Yes, I won't tell anyone else, I promised you that.' I feel relieved and grab my bag. "Shall we go to class?" I ask Louis. "Okay," says Louis. I throw the toilet paper in the toilet and flush it and then I walk hand in hand with Louis to the classroom where we have class.

When we arrive together at the English classroom where we have lessons, we sit in the back. I sit down and I see faces staring at me.
"What do you want from me?" I ask. I see them looking away and I look at my notebook.
I start to draw and suddenly see that I am drawing a symbol, I don't know what kind of symbol but it came to mind at once. I keep drawing it and keep drawing circles and then see Louis looking at me and taking my notebook away from me.
"What are you drawing?" I look at her and then shake my head.
'I don't know', I say, but I take the notebook back and decide to focus more on the lesson.
I look at the teacher and see what she writes down but I can't follow it because my headache is getting worse. So I get up and walk to the door. I open the door and I walk out of the room and suddenly I feel so light that I fall to the floor.

I don't really know what happened but I open my eyes and look around. I get up and find myself in a different place. I look quickly and see that I am in the fight. I quickly run away and then see all people dressed in black with red eyes fighting angels and fairies and elves. I see the king take the black and fight with a great chief demon. Suddenly I see the face looking towards me and I see that it is Kilian. I'm scared to death and want to run away but then I see a person standing in the corner staring at me. I look at her and walk towards her.
'Hey, who are you?' I see her looking surprised.
"I think only I can see you, but I'm the fortune teller." I look at her and feel myself sink through the ground.
"Am I in the past?"
"Yes, but who are you?"
'I'm Mariëlle, adam says I'm the chosen one to stop this fight.'
'Oh Marielle you are our future savior, you won't come until later in the future,' says the fortune teller. I look at her and suddenly everything goes black and I fall down again.
I open my eyes and look where I am and see that I am back at school. I see Mr. Tall Hendrik sitting next to me.
'Are you really okay? I think you should go to the doctor and have your wound checked out.' I nod and I want to get up, but I am stopped by Mr. Tall Hendrik.
"Can't I go?" I see him looking at me and he looks at me respectfully.
"Mariëlle would you like to come with me?" I look at him and then nod.
I walk to his office and sit down. I see he grabs a mirror and holds it in front of me.
'Girl you have to watch out with your powers, because sometimes it can be seen,' says Mr. Tall Hendrik while holding the mirror. I look into it and I'm scared.
'My eyes are white', I say surprised I look at it in surprise and then shocked.
"Can you tell me what happened, I can be trusted I am a fairy officially but left and perceived myself as human because of the demon king." I see him smiling.
"Well um, I just time traveled." I look at him and see him looking at me in shock.
'Mariëlle are you the fallen angel who should help us?' asks Mr. Tall. I nod and then look away.
'But I don't believe it, I still don't understand what I can and can't do, I'm still learning', I say I see him looking at me.
'Girl you have a good teacher I heard from Dian, you have Adam', I nod and then suddenly look surprised.
"How do you know Dian?"
'I've known her for a long time, she's a good acquaintance of mine,' says Mr. Tall.
'Is it okay if I go to the doctor? My eyes are back to normal', I ask
"Yes, that's fine, but come by tomorrow, I have to give you something." I nod and get up.
'What time and where?' I ask.
'Just be here at two o'clock,' says Mr Tall.
"Okay, it's fine," I say and I walk out the door to the doctor.

The Angel is Comming (Engels)Where stories live. Discover now