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I walk to the village to pick up food for my parents and me. Yes I'm twenty and I still live with my parents and that's because the demons have taken over our city for centuries. We can do nothing but obey the king of the demons. Only I knew I wouldn't want that because I was the stubborn boy who always knew everything better and always wanted everything better. Around me I see children of about six years old running around the stalls where food, drinks, clothing but also stuff is sold. 'Hey Adam too and good afternoon.' I suddenly hear Gideon say who is standing on the statue of the elf king. "Hey Gideon. How are you my friend?" I say excitedly. "Good, and how are you?" Gideon asks me. 'Very well, only my mother is ill. So now I have to take care of her because my father is always working, only the demon king wants me to work too and leave my mother behind.' As I said that I saw Dian flying in the air. Dian is the little ghost who doesn't dare say anything because she's too shy. "Hey Adam, you need to hear this," says Dian fleetingly. 'What is?' I ask questioningly but also surprised. Because this is the first time Dian has ever said anything spontaneous. 'The prediction.' I look at Dian with a warning look, because when the demons hear that the prophecy has come, the person has a big problem. Because it could kill her. "Hey Dian, come over to my house," I tell her. 'Is good.' I quickly walk to the stall and buy a few beans because yes, because there is no light we can barely harvest. And then I walk back to my house where I see Dian already waiting. I open the door and let Dian in. "Tell me," I tell Dian. 'Well, there's a girl who saw me standing by the road. I was standing by the road only that girl wanted to warn me that it was dangerous. Only she didn't realize that I was standing there and that it didn't bother me because no one would see me', says Dian calmly. 'What who?' I ask curiously to Dian. "Um, I don't know her name. But she had turned eighteen.' At once I understand what Dian meant the eighteen year old girl who can see us, maybe the fortune teller was right after all. "Hey can you come with me, we have to find her." I say quickly. 'What how? How do you get past the Demons unseen?' said Diana. 'We'll find a solution for that,' I say and grab my coat and walk over to my mother, who is lying in bed. "Mom, I have to go, can you take care of yourself? This is important, what I have to do now,' I say to my mother.
'What then, Adam. What are you going to do now?' My mother asks worriedly. "I have to find someone. The legend may be true after all." I see my mother looking at me in surprise. 'Real? Are you sure?' my mother asks. 'Yes, I'm sure, because that girl approached Dian. While she's a normal person.' "Okay good luck, be careful," says my mother. 'Of course', I say and I grab my bag and walk out the gate with Dian. I see a few demons standing guard looking at us sternly. "Stop, what are you going to do?" asks the demon. "I'd like to pick some berries in the woods." I see the demons conferring for a moment. "Fine back in an hour, or you won't be able to get in again, and you know what happens," says the demon. 'Yes we know', I say and I walk with Dian to the other side of the wall. We stay at the edge of the forest and wait until it is quiet on the other side of the wall so that they are asleep and we can enter the forest unseen to the drop nearby where the girl was spotted.

It is dark in the land of Genden. And we walk quietly unseen deeper into the forest. "Let's go," I say and we start running until they leave the dark clouds of the demons behind us. And we end up in the beautiful clear blue sky. I look at the beautiful stars above us in the sky. And I look at the moon that shone beautifully bright. It was so beautiful I can't believe it. "Let's go Adam," says Dian. I look at Dian and laughed. "Dian, you'll talk more at once," I tell her. "Yes, that's because I see hope," says Dian. 'I wonder if you're right', I say and we continue walking through the dark forest. Until we arrive at a waterfall and we had to go over it. "Uhm Dian, have you thought I can't fly?" I ask. 'Oh yes, you still have to graduate for the wings,' says Dian. "Come hold my hand," says Dian. 'How?' I ask questioningly. "Just hold tight. I can decide who can grab me and who can't.' I look at her. "It's okay," I say and I grab her hand firmly and we fly over the waterfall to the other side of the waterfall. 'So when you walk on you see light in the distance and those are the lights of the lamppost,' says Dian. "Aren't you coming?" I say. 'No I'm going back, I don't want to get in trouble. I showed you the way and now you really have to go it alone," says Dian. "Okay is fine," I say. "Wait Dian who's that girl?" I ask questioningly.
"You'll see soon enough," says Dian. "Okay, see you soon," I say. "See you soon," says Dian and I watch her fly away. I walk in the direction Dian had indicated and indeed see light suddenly appear. I look around and to my surprise I see all the houses illuminated by the light. I look around and see people walking on the street around me that I have never seen. I also see dogs and cats walking the streets or taking out the rest of the waste in garbage cans. I walk past houses and see families sitting comfortably on the couch. 'Hey Mariëlle, tell me, was that girl really tight?' I see two girls riding bicycles in the distance. 'I think so,' the other probably says Mariëlle. I see them getting closer and closer. I suddenly see Mariëlle staring at me. "Hi," she says kindly. Suddenly I knew that girl must be the girl I was looking for. "Hi," I say back. But she quickly cycled on. I see her friend looking at her strangely 'was that the girl?' asks the other girl. 'What no, you weren't a normal boy....' But then the voices disappeared into the distance. I ran after them but I can't keep up with them they were too fast. So I decide to just walk through the city.
I look past the closed shops in the shopping street I walk past. I see the beautifully lit lampposts in a row in a row nicely lit in the beautiful dark night. I look at the beautiful bright moon floating in the universe. I also look at the galaxy that floated in the sky, and I see there the big bear, saucepan but also the lion. The lion is almost never seen, so that is quite impressive and special when you see it. Suddenly I knew why it appeared this very night in the beautiful moonlight, for it was the day when an angel comes to earth who may save the world. And that the fantasy world can come back to life for other people, but also that the demons can be defeated. I suddenly see a tall figure in the distance walking towards me. I quickly decide to hide behind a tree so they can't see me. So I looked around and saw a tree three meters away from me. I ran towards it and quickly hid behind it. I look around to see if the man or woman has not happened to see me. Yes I am rather careful and sometimes I am afraid that I will still be seen by an evil that dominates the land of us. I see now that it is a woman who walked past in the distance. Luckily the woman hadn't seen me, but when I wanted to turn around, I wasted my mind because the girl is standing there who can see me. 'Hi who are you?' Marielle asks. Yes I remembered her name from when her friend said it, and that's because I have a good memory, everyone in Genden had a good memory and that's because we have a special gift and every person who has something special also has a good memory. "Hi, I'm Adam, and you are?" I ask on purpose because I don't want to come across as a crepe. 'I'm Marielle, but are you a ghost?' I see Mariëlle's hand reaching out to me in fear. "No I'm not a ghost, I'm just like you." I see Mariëlle looking at me strangely. "What do you mean Adam?" she asks questioningly. 'You are a fallen angel, who has lost your way because the village of Genden has been possessed by demons for centuries', I say to Mariëlle. "Oh is that supposed?" Mariëlle asks, not credibly. 'My dear Mariëlle, I can't take you there because it's too dangerous for you there,' I say to her. I look at Mariëlle examining and only then did I notice what beautiful blue eyes she has. The eyes sparkled so beautifully in the moonlight. And her hair as gold as the sun. Her lips as red as blood. She looks so good for a lost angel. I can't imagine she has to be the angel, I would think she could be a princess. 'Adam, I don't have to go there, I just want more clarity about what it means that I can see people that not everyone can see', says Mariëlle incomprehensibly, but I'm looking for answers that I can't give her an answer to. 'I don't know Mariëlle, but I do know that you are special and not like everyone else.' I look at her and see her playing with her hair in frustration. 'Mariëlle, I want to tell you one thing, you can't help it if this happens to you. You can't help but see me and the others. Marielle, you have to accept this. This is who you once are.' I see Mariëlle holding her hair even tighter. I can see she made an effort to hide her grief. "But.....I.....My life.....Is n.....Now in....Collapsed." I look at Marielle. 'Mariëlle you still have the same personality, things change but not much'. I say to reassure Mariëlle. 'Yes, that's true, but what am I supposed to do with this stupid gift I've been given?' she screamed in frustration. "I'll teach you that," says Adam. 'But how?' Mariëlle asks uncertainly, as if she doesn't trust it. "I'm going to teach you about it, but don't worry about it, I'll help you with that." I saw Marielle looking at me. "Okay, how can I be so sure that I can trust you and that you don't want to kill me?" Marielle asks carefully. 'No, but just try to trust what your gut tells you. And I want to tell you that if I wanted to kill you I would have done it long ago', I say to Mariëlle. 'Okay that's true', says Mariëlle and I see that she is thinking about what I just said. "But how can I be sure you can be trusted?" When Mariëlle said that, I suddenly heard a rustle behind a tree at the end of the street. 'Mariëlle, Shhhh,' I say and pushed her close to the tree. Me and I protected her with my arms. Suddenly I see someone in the distance walking quickly in this direction, or is it not walking but flying. I see it was someone wearing a black cape. I see the figure stop in front of me and look into Dian's deep green eyes. "Dian don't scare us like that," I say with a deep sigh. "But Adam, you must run, a search would take place early tomorrow to bring you back, then sentence you to death, but torture you first." I see Mariëlle staring at me in shock.
I take my arms off her and let my arms hang at my sides. "Dian, This is Mariëlle," I say and I see Dian staring at her. "Yeah that's the girl I told you about." I give them a very confusing look at Mariëlle menu. "What, what do you mean?" Mariëlle asks me, and then she looks at Dian again. 'Have you ever saved a ghost from traffic that can fly through anything,' I say to Mariëlle. 'Uhm yes, today', says Mariëlle and I see her wobbling to and fro. 'Mariëlle, that was Dian standing there.' I see Mariëlle looking back and forth in confusion. 'sorry, I have to go home', Mariëlle says quickly and I see her running away in fear to the end of the street. "Dian why do you have to appear again at this very moment," I say irritably. "Close because I didn't know those people were with." I heard annoyance in her voice. 'Mariëlle isn't just any girl,' I say to Dian. "I know, only now you're angry because I chased her away?" I look at her and felt annoyance welling up in me, but saw Dian seem very insecure now. 'Mariëlle can save us', I say. "How can you be so sure, she doesn't know anything about it yet." It remains quiet for a while until a car passes by. 'Well, I'm going, you have to find Mariëlle again', says Dian. "Okay," I say and I see Dian float away again, leaving me alone in the dark.

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