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I wake up next to Dian who has been awake for a while, staring at me.
"Good afternoon Dian," I say sleepily. Dian looks at me and starts to smile.
'Good afternoon, we have to go, before people realize we're here. With those words we run out of the church and now walk down the street. We sit down on a bench and look at each other."Sleep so well Dian?" I ask her. She nods and looks at the water. I also look at the water and take a deep breath. Suddenly my mind is sucked away.

I watch Mariëlle how she is practicing her powers. I have to grab her to attack her from behind from the demon. But I don't want to because my feeling for her is great. I love her.
Only the power of the demon is much more powerful than love. The hatred runs deep. I feel the jealousy rising. She can do everything I can't. She can save the world which I can't. I grab her and grab her from behind. I'll throw her on the ground like this and seal her so she has no more strength. And everything goes black again before my eyes.

"Adam, Adam!" cried Dian now very frightened.
'What is?' I ask, coming back to reality.
"You were gone as if you were being sucked into your mind by the demons. Are they here?' I feel scared and nod. 'Yes, they're here. Looking for Marielle.'
I see Dian startled and turn around.
'We have to go to Marielle's guardian elf and tell. We must flee. We have to get out of here.
We have to go back in time.' I nod and get up.
"Yes, we have to go back in time before she was born to practice quietly." With those words we walk towards Mariëlle's school. I then see Mariëlle walking outside and I am shocked when I see her bloody head.
"Marielle what happened?" I say as I run up to her.
I see Mariëlle look at me in shock, but then leave with a sigh.
'Oh it's you', says Mariëlle. She walks over to us and pulls us to the end of the street.
'What happened?' I ask one more time.
'I passed out because I heard everything people said ten times louder. I could eavesdrop on everything without anyone noticing.' Marielle says anxiously. I see Dian looking at me with open eyes.
'You are kidding me. You really have special powers.' I see Mariëlle looking at us in surprise.
"Can't you do that?" Marielle asks.
I shake my head and run my hand through my hair.
'Has happened more'. Marielle says.
"Oh what then?"
'I then went to English, but I walked out of class afterwards because I had a really bad headache. But at one point I was in a different time. Past.
I had spoken to the fortune teller.' I see everyone looking at Mariëlle in surprise.
"What did she say then?" I ask questioningly.
"Oh that I am the future savior and came too soon." Says Mariëlle summarizing.
' That's how the fortune teller really knows that you would save us from the future.' Mariëlle looks at us questioningly.
'But I also saw Kilian. He was fighting with the angel king.' Marielle says
I see everyone looking at Mariëlle in shock, including myself.
"Did he see you too?" I ask and Mariëlle shook her head and took a deep breath.
"But what are you doing here?" Marielle asks questioningly.
"Adam had a vision from Kilian, we have to leave." I see a panic attack coming at Mariëlle.
"Then how does he know where we are?" Marielle asks in a panic.
'Yes, through those visions the demon communicates with the angels. And he can see exactly where we are. But there is one solution to prepare yourself calmly.
We have to time travel.' says Diana. I look at Mariëlle and look confused in her eyes and then look after Dian who tries to calm her down. Mariëlle is getting a bit too much so I see her walking back and forth.
"We have to see your teacher?" Marielle shakes her head no.
'No Dian, we're not going to do that right now. I haven't even mastered my time travel yet. And have a date tonight with Daniel.' Mariëlle says with a big smile on her face.
"Oh how nice Marielle." I say but I feel my heart is breaking. I would prefer to have Mariëlle with me in safety.
'Mariëlle it's a matter of time before Kilian and his troops get here. So we have to go tonight.' Dian says in a harsh voice.
I look at Mariëlle, but at that moment Mariëlle also looks at me and I drown in her blue eyes.
"So do I have to leave tonight?" Marielle asks.
'Yes.' I nod.
Mariëlle sighs and wants to walk away, but then turns around.
"Where and what time?" I look at her and look around me and take a deep breath in and out.
"Here for school at eight o'clock. We will now go to your teacher and make sure he is there.
'That's fine', says Mariëlle, and with those words she walks away towards the bicycle shed to grab her bicycle.
We stay behind and I take a deep breath and let my heart beat slower.
I just see Mariëlle with her beautiful blonde hair disappear around the corner.
"Like Adam?" I see Dian smiling at me.
"Someone's in love here?" I shake my head quickly.
'Not at all.' I say and I quickly walk towards the school building to the main entrance. Dian flies after me.

When we are inside the school we immediately walk to the office where we need to be. I open the door unseen and Dian follows me and flies into the office. We sit down and wait for that Liam the tall one. Or called Liam.
We wait an hour for the door to be opened and Liam to step inside.
We sit up and see Liam looking at us questioningly and immediately locking the door.
"What are you doing here at school?" Liam asks questioningly.
'We need to speak to you. We're in danger. Kilian comes to get us and Mariëlle also knows where we are.' I panic.
'I hear it. What's your plan?' I see Liam looking at us in shock.
"We thought about time travel because Mariëlle can." I see Liam looking at us in shock.
'Have you gone completely crazy, Mariëlle doesn't even have her own power under control how to control it let alone time travel.' I look at him and sigh.
'Yes what else do you want? Whether Kilian kills us or we're safe we don't really have any other choice.' I say determined.
"We just have to leave tonight." I say.
I see Dian looking at me and nodding.
"Liam, we just don't have time anymore, we really have to today, otherwise Mariëlle will still be dead tomorrow." says Diana. I see Liam looking at us with a sigh.
'I want to be there. Because you don't know what kind of strength Marielle has.' I nod and then sigh with relief that Liam agrees.
I look around and see the teacher open the door.
"You really need to leave now before I get in trouble." says Liam.
'Is good.' I walk to the door with Dian and walk out of the school.
"I'll see you tonight Adam," says Dian and I watch her fly away.
I now walk alone through the streets towards the city. I walk to the store and quickly grab a sandwich and sneakily eat it before anyone notices. And then walk out of the store. Then I walk towards the park and sit there quietly on a bench and look around me at what is happening.
I see a man with a dog throwing a ball and the dog takes the ball, the dog walks back and puts the ball at his owner's feet again and looks at his owner again. I see the man pick up the ball and throw it again.
I then see a woman cycling across the park to the city. I see all kinds of things called a normal life. See happy people but also angry people and sad people. I feel very alone now everyone sees each other but no one sees me. I sigh and look at the time and see that it's only half past five. And at eight o'clock I have an appointment with Liam, Dian and Mariëlle at Mariëlle's school.

The Angel is Comming (Engels)Where stories live. Discover now