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When I get home I park my bike at the shed and walk inside. I see my mother cooking in the kitchen.
"Hey mom," I say and kiss her cheek. I walk to the hallway and hang up my coat.
I take a deep breath and think how am I supposed to tell my parents that I'm leaving. And that I go into time without them being delivered. I don't even have control over it yet. I feel so bad.
'How was your day?' Asks my mother from the kitchen.'
'Well, I think it's very strange. Do you have to speak like this with Daddy there,' I say. My mother looks up and looks at me. I see a worried look in her eyes.
'What's wrong Marielle?' my mother asks me questioningly.
"I want to do that with Daddy, not now!" I say firmly and I walk upstairs.
When I'm upstairs I let myself fall down on my bed and look around my room. I sigh and get up and grab my phone and text my girlfriend Louis.

Mariëlle: This may be the last text for now I will disappear tonight.

I send it and feel a tear slide down my hang. I don't want to leave my parents. I don't want to leave, but I have to go. I'm not safe. Soon I will be dead and they will kill me. And miss my parents too.
I don't want more casualties. I will free Genden and then return to my normal life. To my parents. That's my hope. That I will have a normal life again.
I suddenly hear the door of my room open and see my father standing in the doorway.
"Hey girl how was your day?" my father asks.
'Very strange,' I say and I look at my father and feel another tear fall.
"What's up girl?" Asks my father and he sits down next to me on the bed with concern. I look at him and nod no.
'Not now, during dinner with Mum,' I say.
'Okay, come down in ten minutes and dinner will be ready. We're going to eat tacos.' My father says.
"Nice," I say with a smile.
I see my father leave and I am left alone in my room. When I'm left alone I hear my phone ringing.

Louis: what's up? Why are you disappearing? What are you going to do?

I read it and sigh. I can't tell her everything anymore, especially after what her father did. So I wait and then answer.

Mariëlle: Can't tell you but I'll be gone tomorrow. Is safer for all of us.

I send it and then walk downstairs.
I sit down at the table and see my father and mother also sit down. I look at the pan and suddenly get hungry from the smell of the food. I grab a taco shell and put some ground meat in it and put lettuce and tomato on it and cheese and salsa sauce.
I eat it nicely and wait for my parents to finish eating.
I see my mother looking at me asking questions after dinner and my father too.
'What is it you wanted to tell us together.' I look at them and take a deep breath to get the courage to say it. I look around and see that it is now half past seven in the evening. And in an hour and a half I will disappear.
"Mom, Dad, I have decided with Adam and Dian from the land of Genden who are in need of disappearing. I can rise in time.'
I see my father and mother looking at me in shock.
'What can you do back in time?' I can see the disbelief in their faces.
'Yes, I can hardly believe it myself. I can time travel. Today I went back in time during the war of Genden. I met the fortune teller there.' I say. I see my mother wiping away a tear.
'Why do you have to leave then and how long will you be gone?' I swallow and look away at my empty plate.
'Mom, Dad. I'm in danger that demon king wants to kill me. He knows where I am.' I get up and look at my parents.
'I have to go, also for your safety. For everyone's safety,' I say.
"Okay we understand, but when are you leaving?" I swallow again.
'At eight o'clock in the evening.' I see my father looking at the clock.
'Then we have another half an hour together,' says my father.
I nod and give my parents a big hug. I walk to the kitchen and pour myself a cup of tea.
'Would you like tea too? I ask.
'Yes that's OK.' They say at the same time.
I make the tea and put it in front of them and sit back in my place.

After half an hour of chatting with my parents and crying, I left for school.
I'm standing in front of school now waiting for Adam and Dian to be there in five minutes. Only to my surprise do I see Mr. De Lange walking in my direction.
"Sir, what are you doing here?" I ask nervously.
"I'm going to help you so you can time rise in peace with Adam and Dian." I startle and take a step back.
'Did Dian and Adam ask you for help? You yourself know that I have not even mastered my skills.
Mr. long sighs deeply.
'I know that's the tricky part, you're not officially ready yet. But it has to.' I nod and sigh and look tense around me.
'Mariëlle, it will be fine, but do you know where you're going?' I shake my head.
"No, I don't know where I'm going."
"Maybe Genden!" I'm shocked when I hear Adam talking from behind. I look at them and shake no.
"No, because we're running from that." I see Adam laughing.
"No, we're going to Genden before the demons conquer Genden."
'Yes but how?' I look at them confused.
"I can't control anything yet."
"You have to focus on where you want to go. You want to go to the year 1821.' I close my eyes and concentrate.
'It doesn't work,' I sigh after ten tries.
"You haven't even seriously tried it yet. You're being reckless. Take it seriously. Eyes closed. Breathe calmly. And concentrate.'
I do as they say and suddenly I feel something blowing around me. I open my eyes again and look around.
I see a city with a big gate. I walk over and see the name Genden. But I'm alone I don't see Adam or Dian.
I have to go back I think. So I close my eyes again and think of the time now and suddenly everything flashes away.
I see that I am in the classroom of English.
How did I end up here?
I run outside and see Dian, Adam and Mr. de Lange smiling at me.
'I did it, I was in genden. But how do I take you?' I see Mister Tall Hendrik looking at me.
"Sir, are you coming too?" I ask.
'No sorry I'm staying here to protect the people here from evil.
'Adam and Dian we have to go but how do I take you?'
"We both have to hold you by the shoulders." says Adam.
I feel one hand from Adam, but suddenly I feel Dian's hand on my shoulders for the first time.
I close my eyes and take a deep breath in and out. I think of Genden in 1821 and feel another gust of wind coming.
I then open my eyes and see the gate of Genden again. I look around and see Dian and Adam lying on the floor.
They have fallen.
"Adam and Dian are you okay?" I see Adam get up. I hear Dian moan and eventually she gets up too. we then continue to the gate.
I look around as we walk through the gate and see people walking through the city.
Well humans beings just like us.
Suddenly I hear a song singer singing. We walk towards the square where the sound comes today. We finally see a young boy who is an elf playing a guitar and next to him I see a woman who is singing quite modern.
Suddenly I hear a high-pitched trumpet sound.
Everyone stops what they are doing and all line up. I join the crowd with Adam and Dian and look around. I see a carriage coming with a golden crown on top.
I look after it and suddenly I see everyone bowing.
I also see Adam and Dian bowing nicely but I was so staring at the carriage that I forget.
I see the guards coming angrily towards me.
"Didn't you learn manners, whore." I hear it and feel a slap in the face.
'What a peace city this is. That you hit a girl.' I say without respect. I see the carriage door open and someone gets out.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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