•Shes thunderstorms•

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Alex had bought you to sit down on the sofa and he had his guitar, you knew this meant that he'd have a new song for you. You loved it when he'd do this because sometimes they'd go on the album

'I've written a new song daring, Wanna here.' Alex said looking Loveling into your eyes.

'Of course i do handsome.' you say putting a blanket over your legs.

Alex gave you a big smile and started strumming his guitar.

'She's been loop del looping around my mind. Her motorcycle boots give me this kind of acrobatic
blood, concertina cheating heartbeat. Rapid fire.' Alex finished.

'It's not much but yeah' He said embarrassed.

'It's so good handsome.' You say smiling at him.

'I writ it about you!' He said putting his hand to his face.

'Oh so you think i'm a cheater?' you said joking

'No! god no. Just how you cheat at monopoly all the fuckin time.' He giggled

'Hey! It's jus cus your good' You said laughing together.

You gave Alex a big kiss.

'Aw Al i love you so much.'

'I love you too y/n'

A few months later Arctic monkeys made their new album 'Suck it and see.' And sure enough Alex's song that he writ about you was on there along with some others he writ about you. When Alex did this it made you melt, Especially when he sang it on stage and looked at you the whole time.

•Sorry it's short i'm sick atm!•

ALEX TURNER • ONE SHOTS•Where stories live. Discover now