in the moment

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You and Alex have been dating now for 3 years, He was the happiest a man had ever made you. You two did everything together you were inseparable. However Alex was out on a stag party and you were out on a hen party for the upcoming wedding of a mutual friend. This was the only night you and Alex had been apart, it felt weird. You were quietly sat at the back of your friends as they all were taking shots and catching up. Eventually you chipped in and began taking shots too, one after another. Things began to merge into one another as you never got drunk it happened a lot quicker then anticipated. You and Alex were messaging the majority of the night as you missed each other so much. That was until you were severely drunk and began chatting go this handsome man that was lent up against the bar.

You were easily persuaded when you were drunk leaving you very vulnerable. The man took advantage of that and began putting his hands around your waist. You being so intoxicated didn't help as you just went along with it. He pulled you into a kiss and afterwards you immediately sobered up, you knew what happened and you knew it was wrong. You immediately pulled away and ran out of the club, you called a cab and went home. The whole way home you were full of guilt as you adored Alex yet somehow you cheated.  The word cheater echoed around your mind slowly driving you insane, keeping you up all night.

The following week you completely ignored Alex. Any text, call, any form of contact you ignored. You only did this as you couldn't bring yourself to talk to him thinking how he would react when he finds out.

Alex began to get worried, he ended up coming to your house and knocking on the door. You stood up, not expecting anybody and opened it. Surprised to see Alex there with a worried expression on his face.

"y/n, Are you okay?" He said upset.

You stood there, frozen in fear. You eventually forced out a nod, Alex walked in. The atmosphere immediately felt off, felt tense.

You felt on the verge of tears and needed it out your system. "Alex, can i talk to you?" You question, biting your nail.

"Of course you can, whats is it?" He says showing a reassuring smile.

"I kissed another guy." You blurted out as teats streamed down your face.

Alex just stood there looking at you, tears rolled down his face as he stood there frozen. The moment felt like hours as time stood still around you both. "What?"

"I was so drunk, i didn't mean to. It was in the moment, he came on to me!" You exclaimed.

Alex began shaking his head. "No, your lying. You wouldn't do this."

You just cried biting your lip to ease the pain. "Im so sorry Alex."

Alex didn't say anything and just walked out the house slamming the door behind him. You collapsed screaming in pain. You just lost the one man who meant everything to you and it wad your fault. All your fault.

A few weeks later and the wedding rolled around, time moved slower when you weren't with Alex. You nearly didn't show to the wedding but as you were a bridesmaid it was rude if you didn't. You knew there would be a chance of Alex being there yet you didn't know if he would or not.

You got ready with the other girls and you looked stunning, you hoped he was there. You wanted to talk to him.

The whole ceremony you had to look okay, it was so tough. you were looking for Alex the whole time but no sign of him. You heart ached after you didn't see him.

Now it was the after party, you had no effort what so ever to have a drink, get up and talk to people, or even dance. You felt so alone and heartbroken, you never wanted to touch a drink again in your life. You were sat tracing your finger round the rim of your coca cola glass when you heard the door open. You turned around to see Alex walk in, he was in his best tuxedo and his eyes immediately clocked with yours. He showed you a slight smile before vanishing into the crowd...

something different! Hope you enjoy might make a part 2😊😊

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