•spring flowers• (humbug era)

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You and Alex were out on a walk through the woods and it was beautiful, flowers everywhere it was sunny and you and were trying to find the perfect place just to relax at for a bit

"Here looks good doesn't it? by the lake?." Alex questions.

"Yeah why don't we go and sit on the end if that jetty?" You point.

Alex nods and you both walk over, you sit right on the end so your feet are dangling over the edge .

"Im so hot." Alex groans.

"Have some water." You suggest.

Alex just stands up and strips down into his boxers and jumps into the lake.You sit there giggling.

"Come on, come in." He says swimming back up.

You stand up and undress so your in your bra and pants and jump in with Alex. Your both there laughing. Your splashing each other.

"Aw y/n stop." He screams splashing you.

You stoped and swam closer to Alex and wrapped your arms around him, he put his arms around your waist and pulls you into a kiss.

"Your cute." He giggles and pulls away.

You smile at him and move his hair out of his face. "Shall we get out and get some food?"

"Yeah." Alex nods.

Once you both got back to the jetty you opened your bag to get your sandwiches out, You pass Alex's his.

You both just sat admiring the view and eating your sandwiches.

"Isnt it gorgeous." You say.

"I know, I don't like how many wasps there are though." He says swatting one away.

Time passes and your lying on Alex's chest listening to the birds chirp, he's stroking your hair.

"Alex why don't we go skinny dipping?" You say sitting up.

"Babe? are you for real? What if someone sees us?" Alex says laughing.

You look around. "Well i don't see anyone?" You giggle.

Alex sighs then laughs. "Fine." He says standing up.

You both unchanged and jump into the water again.

"Shit whys it so cold this time?" Alex says jumping on you to get warm.

"Cus your not used to it." You giggle.

You grab his cheeks and looking into his eyes, Alex pulls you in for a kiss. Your tongues dance in each others mouths Until you hear a familiar voice.

"Alex?" Miles calls "Is that you?"

Alex looks up and turns to him. "Hiya mate, what you doing here?"

"Just on a walk, trying get song ideas." He says.

"Ill come help you hold on, Wait turn around a sec." Alex shouts, you begin laughing.

"Why?" Miles asks confused.

"Just do it." Alex rolls his eyes.

"Alright." Miles says and turns around.

Alex jumps out and runs to his boxers and puts them on.

"Can i turn back around yet?" Miles asks.

"Yes." Alex says. "Y/n we are just going for a wander only be 5 mins." Alex calls to you.

"Okay." You shout back giggling at him.

He mouths out the words 'i hate you' jokingly.

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