Untitled Part 13

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Chapter 13

I go down to the front desk and have the man there call me a taxi. I wait and when it come I have the driver take me to Josey house and from the curb, through the gate and way up that driveway I see there a light on.

The driver about 50 year old with a tan and glass over his eye to help him see more better and hairy arm and he say, all afraid, "You know someone here?" like I shouldn't know anybody here.

I say, "How we get through the gate?"

He say, "Sir, that gates there to keep people out. I don't want any trouble. How about I take you on back to the hotel?"

I reach over the seat and wrap my arm around his neck and his breathing get chopped up, like a car having trouble starting and I reach over and pull the key out and then reach through the back open window on his side and pull his door open and let go of his neck for a second pushing him out the car and I get out too all fast and say, "You coming with me." And he holding his arm like he cold now.

I say, "How we get in?"

He say, "I have kids."

"Why Josey wanna keep people out?"

He say, "These gates are all over Hollywood. Stars need their privacy. Now you haven't done anything yet. You can still get outta this."

"I kill you."

"Oh, God."

I push him to the wall that probably go all the way around the house and it about two time my height. I take him and lift his body up over my head and throw him over and when he land he say, "Oh." When I get over he on the ground holding his arm. It limp. I pull him up. We walking to the door and the grass all clean and perfect. There tall plant that droop over our head and in the middle of the driveway there a stone circle with this fish sticking up out of the middle shooting water out it's mouth that fall down and make a pool inside the circle and I think that just one of the most strange thing I ever see but it kinda beautiful too. The house just amazing too and I think Josey must sell his farm or find that gold he looking for. There these two car in a door underneath the house, they real shiny, real good, I can tell.

That driver beside me whimpering and I so scared so nervous but I know what I gonna say when I see Josey and there no way he can turn me away when I tell him about my life. I know exactly what kind of man he is and I know he won't be mad if I break into his place because he doesn't care about the thing he have, he not that kind of person, and the thing I wanna ask him about most is the pain and how he deal with it and he not even drink and standing there outside his place, I look up and see a man pass by one of the window and even though I can't see his face I just know it him and at that moment I feel like a weak coward little man compare to him and that feeling so sharp that I promise right there that I never gonna drink again.

I go in the opening past the cars, pulling that man beside me and he whisper, "Lets just go" and there this door that look more weak than the front double door and I hit it a couple time and make a hole and reach my hand in and undo the lock. I push the driver in ahead of me. It real bright. There this thing, I don't know what you call it, a light on the ceiling with this glass and crystal all over it making it even more bright in there and there a huge fridge half as big as the kitchen in my apartment and everything extra shiny because of the light, you can see your face in everything, the counter, even the floor we walking on. Then there a area with carpet and a fireplace even though I don't know why you would need to make a fire when it so hot out. We go up these stair next and my heart beating hard, I hear this television on somewhere up there with people cheering, some baseball game or something. There this big living room up there with two couch and two chair, one of them with it back to us but on the arm of the chair I see...a arm. I feel like I gonna have a heart attack and that TV on loud. We walking up and there carpet under our feet and a face come from around the chair and it him. It Josey. He more old but it definitely him and I think he must see us in the TV reflection. He get up fast, his eye big and he move away from us and I thinking he going to get one of his six shooter gun and I put my hand up to show I have peace on my mind and he say something I can't hear so I go turn the TV off.

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