Diana as your Gf

120 3 1

My man my man he love meeeee

- Extremely supportive of you 😻💕💕💕

- She tends to fidget with your hair sometimes, putting it in little braids and all that

- She prioritizes your needs above everything else🩷

- Plz make sure u show her you care, whether that be helping take care of her or just a simple 'thank you'

- She's your go-to stylist for sure (she'll never butcher your hair like other salons would)

- Definitely has the most creative date ideas you've ever heard of

- 100% passes you the aux when you guys go on little road trips

- She'll always make sure you feel good about yourself (the best person to hype you up🔥)

Guys there's this football kid in my home ec class and deadahh I think he wants me🙈
Ty for reading guys!!!
I'm gonna try to work on more stuff for more characters this weekend🌹🌹

                                      - Aubrey😈🥶🥵

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