❥ ❦ Wolfgang x Reader Oneshot

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Requested by @MintoStar
Scenario where Wolfgang proposes and marries reader :-) (he's so cute in this pic offkdmdldk)

1st Person POV:
I had finally arrived home after my day job. My boss let everyone leave early today as it hadn't been busy at all. I pulled the keys to my shared apartment out of my pocket and opened the door. I walked inside and took off my shoes as I closed the door. Once I had set all my stuff down I walked into the living room and sat down on the soft couch. I pulled my phone out searching for any new messages. Surprisingly there were none. I would expect that Wolfgang would send me a text asking things like "How's work?" or "When do you get off work". I reached for the TV remote as I made myself comfortable on the couch. Soon it turned on and I decided to watch (insert fav show/movie here). After about another 30 minutes I heard my phone beep. I picked it up and saw a message from Wolfgang. I open the message and read it to myself. "I'm on my way home now darling, how was work?" Wolfgang typed. I smile to myself as I began to reply. "Work was just fine. My boss let everyone leave early today so I'm home now" I typed in response. Three dots appeared at the bottom of my screen indicating he was responding. "That's good to hear. I'm about 10 minutes away and I'll be there soon" he responds. I typed back, "Alright I will see you when you get home. I love you ❤️". I nervously waited for him to respond. Before I knew it he responded with "Love you more Y/N ❤️". I blushed lightly as I stood up from the couch and walked into the kitchen. I decided to neaten everything up before he got home. After a couple of minutes I heard the door knob rattling and opening. I turn my attention over to the door as Wolfgang's figure filled my sight. He slips off his shoes and walks over to where I'm standing. He hugs me from behind and rests his head on my shoulder. He mumbled an "I missed you" a he gently presses a kiss to my neck. Wolfgang stands back up and begins speaking. "Wear something nice I'm taking you out to dinner tonight", he says in his normal tone. I walked over to our shared bedroom and picked out a formal looking outfit to wear. After I changed I freshened up my appearance before deeming myself presentable. I walk out of our room and see Wolfgang sitting on the couch waiting. I grabbed my bag sitting on the armchair and grabbed my keys. Soon Wolfgang and I had left the apartment and gotten into his car

~Time Skip~
After me and Wolfgang had eaten we were making light conversation at the table. Although I couldn't help but feel something was about to happen. "You know how much I love you right Y/N?" I hummed in response. As soon as I said that it happened. Wolfgang slowly moved out of his chair and pulled something out of his pocket. He stood in front of me and went down on one knee holding a tiny black box which he opened to be revealed as a ring. All of a sudden we were the center of attention of this whole restaurant. My heart raced as he went on to speak. "Y/N L/N, ever since we first fell in love I wanted nothing more than you be with you forever. Will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" As soon as he said that I knew exactly what I was going to say. "Yes! Absolutely I'll marry you!" I say with excitement in my voice. The people of the restaurant cheered as Wolfgang slipped the ring on my finger and hugged me tightly. That night was the night of my dreams.

*Another Big Time Skip*
1st Person POV
I was over the moon nervous. Today was finally my wedding day. I looked at myself in the mirror a couple of times to make sure I looked perfect. The ceremony was about to begin as I heard the guest taking their seats. "You'll be alright Y/N! Everything will go exactly as planned", Diana reassured me as she finished fixing my hair. I was lost on thought for a couple minutes until the silence was broken by the sound of the wedding planner saying it was time to go. Everyone lined up and got ready to walk the aisle. I stood in the back with (whoever you want to walk you down the aisle) as they intertwined our arms. My bridesmaids/groomsmen walked down the aisle slowly as they were followed by the flower girl/boy. It was now my turn. The music started playing loudly as all the guests rose from their seats. I started slowly down the aisle as my gaze met the faces looking back at me. I could hear light sniffling of some people in the audience, the ones who watched me grow up. We got to the end of the never ending walkway where I made eye contact with Wolfgang. I could see a light tear in his eye as he looked at me.

~time skip to after the vows because I don't know what to write~
"Do you Wolfgang Akire take this man/woman to be your husband/wife, for better or worse, for rich or poor?" the priest said in a monotone voice. "I do" Wolfgang chimed in. "And do you Y/N L/N take this man to be your husband", the priest stated. "I do" I instantly responded. "I now declare Wolfgang Akire and Y/N L/N husband and husband/wife. You may kiss the groom/bride". Just as the priest said that Wolfgang's lips collided with mine. The audience cheered loudly and clapped as he did so. That day was a day I will remember forever.

I kinda rushed at the end but I'm finally done with this. Thank you to all my readers for supporting this book I love each and every one of you ❤️
- Aubrey <3

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