❥ ❦ Wolfgang x Reader Oneshot

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Requested by @MintoStar
Random question is pepper spray and mace the same thing or am I just stupid
Y/N= Your name
L/N= Last name
F/F= favorite food

Your POV:
After the practice trial everyone was on edge. At any time at any moment they could be dead. The days after that trial progressively got longer and more difficult. Every night I would lay in bed with my eyes glued to the ceiling while my brain runs in circles, waiting for something to happen. My under eyes continued to grow darker and darker as the night goes on. I reopened my eyes and looked back up to the cafeteria wall. I really need to stop dozing off in at a time like this. I looked down at my half eaten plate of food as I lost my appetite. I stood up from my seat as I walked over and dumped my leftovers into the trash. I left the cafeteria without another word not noticing that I caught someone's gaze. I yawned loudly as I walked the halls until I found my room. I slammed the door shut and locked it tight. I flopped onto my bed and buried my face in the pillow. Before I knew it I had drifted off to sleep.

A few hours later I was awoken by a pain in my stomach. I opened my eyes groggily as my eyes adjust to the darkness. I turn over towards my clock and read the time in bright red letters. 11:35 it read. I felt an agonizing hunger in my stomach. Unfortunately I had nothing I could eat around my room. I attempted to go back to sleep but I couldn't ignore the dreading feeling of emptiness in my stomach. As much as I didn't want to I had no other choice than to leave my room and sneak to the kitchen. I stand up from my bed as I walk over and creak open the door.

(For this next part pretend the reader just has a random bottle of pepper spray laying around)
I looked both ways and clutched the small bottle in my hand. I step out into the halls and quietly close my door. I speed walk to the kitchen as I browse through the refrigerator. Just as I see something appealing I hear light footsteps behind me. "Mr/Miss L/N, what are you doing awake at this hour?" I jump and drop my mace along with my (insert food item here). "Oh my apologizes I didn't mean to startle you Y/N!" Wolfgang said as he put his hands up in defense. "Oh it's alright, what are you doing awake?" I said as my hands anxiously tried to grab something to defend myself with. "I can assure you that I am not here to harm you Mr/Miss L/N!" He reassured me as I calmed from my original panicking state. "I heard you leaving your room and I wanted to see if you were alright. Earlier you left dinner early without a word and I was concerned", he says in a calming tone. "Thank you for your concern Mr. Akire, if I'm being completely honest I'm not doing too good at the moment. I've been losing sleep ever since this all started. I'm not ready to die, not like this at least", I say sheepishly as I look down at the floor. "Mr/Miss L/N, I promise you that I will do what I can to prevent your departure. And if it does happen I will bring you the justice you deserve", Wolfgang says in a reassuring voice. Wolfgang felt like someone I could trust and rely on. He was one of the few people in this game I felt safe around. Like I had nothing to worry about and everything is fine. "If you're fine with it, would you like me to accompany you back to your room?" Wolfgang says softly. I was still sitting on the fence of wether or not I should trust him or at least just this once. "Sure thing Wolfgang", I said with a little hesitation. He lended me his hand as I took it and we started walking. It wasn't too long of a walk before we reach my room. "Here you are Y/N", Wolfgang says before letting go of my hand. I wanted to ask him something but I was still hesitant. As Wolfgang starts to slowly walk away I speak up. "Actually.. do you think you could.. stay in my room with me?", I ask as my face starts turning red. Wolfgang turns back around and walks towards me. "I can do that Mr/Miss L/N, I'll make sure you get the best sleep possible", he says sweetly. I smile slightly at his words. I grab my key from my pocket and unlock the door as Wolfgang's figure looms over me.

Once we are both in the room I sit down on my bed. "Oh do you want me to make you a place to slee-", I was cut off by Wolfgang. "Don't worry about, we can just share the bed", he says. I give him a small nod as I lay down on the bed and pull the sheets over me, leaving space for Wolfgang. He walks over to the light switch and turns it off. I close my eyes at the feeling of the mattress sinking down at someone's weight. I feel an arm slither across my waist as my eyes shot open. I didn't mind it though..knowing it was Wolfgang's. His warm torso was pressed up against my back as I could feel his breath fanning my neck. I felt safe in his arms. Like nothing was going to hurt me. Next thing I knew I had closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep

~Next Morningg~
1st Person POV *again*
My room was filled with sunlight as my eyes slowly opened. I looked around the room as the clock caught my attention. 9:56?! That's more than I've ever slept since I've gotten here. I was more confused about the whereabouts of Wolfgang as he wasn't in my room anymore. I notice a piece of paper sitting on my desk with words written in a neat handwriting. I slowly stand up from my bed as I walked over to my desk. I picked up the paper and read it aloud. "Good morning Mr/Miss L/N, if you haven't noticed by now I had left to go eat breakfast. I didn't want to awake you as you slept soundly. I will save you a plate of F/F for sure
                                                       - Wolfgang Akire"
I smiled at his note. I made my way over to my dresser and picked up my clothes and changed into them. I exited my room and made my way to the cafeteria where I can see Wolfgang standing in the distance. "Morning Y/N!", Diana shouts from the other side of the room. I waved at her as Wolfgang turned around to see me. I walked over towards him as he cleaned up leftover food. "Ah good morning, I'm assuming you slept well", Wolfgang says in his usual tone. I nodded at him and smiled lightly. "I saved you a plate of F/F, I knew it was your favorite", he says while smiling softly and handing me the plate he had covered in aluminum foil. "Thank you Wolfgang, I really appreciate it", I said while smiling at him. "It's my pleaser Mr/Miss L/N", Wolfgang said smiling back at me.

~A few days later~
1st Person POV *againn*
Ever since that night I had felt something for Wolfgang. All of a sudden I've been craving to be held by him again just like that night. These feeling felt so strong that I felt as I couldn't hold them back anymore. Today was the day I was going to tell him the truth. All with the help of Toshiko I was able to pull this off. She had given me the courage to shoot my shot with Wolfgang. Earlier in the morning while Wolfgang was away in the Cafeteria I had slipped a note beneath his door asking him to meet me in the gymnasium. Toshiko proceeded to tell him she saw someone putting a note under his door where he ran to go read it. I hid behind the gym bleachers for a solid 15 minutes before I heard the large doors open. I peaked out from the side of the bleacher and saw the raven haired male standing. I slowly cropped out from behind the bleachers and walked towards him with my face bright red. "Ah Mr/Miss L/N, are you the one who wanted to meet me?", Wolfgang had asked. "Yes.. I wanted to tell you something important.", I tried not to stutter out my words. "Ever since that night where we met in the kitchen I had felt something for you", I said while staring at my shoes. "What do you mean L/N?", Wolfgang chimed in. "Oh forget this, I love you Wolfgang. I had ever since the beginning of this horrendous game. That night I had realized my true feelings for you. So do you love me too..?", I said looking up at him. "Y/N..", he whispered. Wolfgang took a step towards me and placed a hand on my cheek. His hand tucked strays hairs away from my face and behind my ear. Next thing I knew he leaned in as his soft lips met mine. I was shocked at first but kissed back after I few seconds. Soon we both pulled away breathing heavily. "I love you too Y/N. Ever since that night I had realized my feelings as well. I would love to be yours and for you to be mine", he said as we shared a moment of love.

This one took forever to make BUT it was worth it. Anyways thank you to all the people supporting this book I am truly grateful for all of you <3
- Aubrey :-)

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