❥ ❦ Ulysses x Reader Oneshot

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Requested by @Showtime-Sparkles
In this you're already Ulysses s/o and determined to help him sleep better

1st Person POV
"What about this Ulysses?", I said as I held up a puzzle piece filled box. Ulysses and I were spending time together in the library, keeping ourselves entertained with solving difficult puzzles. I noticed he didn't respond. I turn my head towards him only to see that he had dozed off in his chair once again. I gently tapped him on his shoulder as his eyes shot open. "You fell asleep, again" I said while still holding the box in one hand. "I'm sorry Y/N, bad habit" Ulysses said as he yawned. This has been happening ever since we were trapped in this awful school. He dozes off in the middle of everything. I couldn't help but wonder what the cause behind all of this was. I knew one thing though and that is that I want to help. I gently put my hand on his shoulder before I spoke. "Ulysses, are you having trouble sleeping? You always start falling asleep during the day and I'm worried", I said with genuine concern in my voice. He lightly blushed before saying, "I don't mean to worry you Y/N but I actually am having a hard time sleeping. Don't worry about it tho-" I cut him off. "That's what we are going to do. I will find a way to get you to sleep!" I said with determination in my voice. I gave him my hand as he stood up and followed me through the halls of Eden's Garden Academy.

Once we had arrived at his room he immediately sat down on his bed. My first idea was the classic cup of warm milk. I brought Ulysses back a small cup of milk and a small snack, a banana to be exact (omg it rhymes). I took a seat at his desk as he consumed the contents of the plate. After about 20 minutes or so I checked up on Ulysses. Unexpectedly, he was still awake and only could rest his eyes. That plan didn't work.

My next idea was another common one, a classic story. I had taken one of the books for Ulysses shelf, not realizing this was my mistake. I pulled the chair over to Ulysses bed as I sat the book on my lap. I flipped to a random page and began reading from there. After reading for about 15 minutes I checked up on Ulysses and yet again he was still awake. I soon figured my mistake was reading one of his historical books that he loses sleep over. Another plan failed.

I was beginning to lose hope of ever getting Ulysses to sleep. I let out a sigh as I sat at the end of Ulysses bed and plopped down on my back. I was racking my brain for any kind of idea or what to do next. My head pounded as I desperately thought of something. That's when I had an idea. I wasn't sure if it would work but it's worth trying. I propped myself up onto my elbows as I scooted my way across Ulysses's bed until I was laying right next to him. He turned around the face me with a questioning look. "I think I know what will put you to sleep" I whispered making myself comfortable. He raised his one eyebrow as I hugged him tightly. I feel him secure his arms around me as he rests his head on my shoulder. The both of us laid there for a couple minutes before I start hearing a light snoring. I caressed his back while I nuzzle my face into his shoulder. I finally helped him sleep. And we both fell asleep there, wrapped in one another's embrace.

I love this so much omg
Ulysses is my fav character and I love writing about him
Thank you to all of my readers for supporting my book ❤️
                                        - Aubrey ^^

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