❥ ☽ When you're the victim

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Random song from my playlist 😛
Anyways sad warning
- 10 times moodier than he normally is
- He is still is shock that you could just disappear so fast
- Once your killer is revealed he will just go off on them and let out his anger

- Too stunned to speak
- He promised if you would ever die he would get you justice, and oh boy he did
- He has a breakdown later after the trial

- His mood instantly goes dark
- He wants nothing more than to see your killer dead
- He feels empty without having you around anymore

- He's frozen in shock
- He works himself to the bone trying to find evidence or anything to find your killer
-He looks over all the pages in his journal he's written about you as he starts to breakdown in tears

- He's too stunned to speak
- How could he have let this happen? Why couldn't he protect you?
- He sobs himself to sleep the night of your trial

- Much like Jett he is just shocked how this could happen
- He did everything he could to protect you from getting killed, was it not enough to save you?
- He stays silent throughout the trial as he drowns himself in pity

- He froze
- He becomes down to earth depressed
- He tries to pretend nothing ever happened, but then again you're gone forever now

- He doesn't know how to feel
- He finds does he can to find your killer and bring you justice
- It takes all his strength not to strangle your killer to death

- She tries to hide how she feels behind her blank face
- Inside she is a mixture of anger and sadness and guilt

- She is beyond pissed
- Words can not describe how furious she is that someone had the nerve to kill you
- In the end her sadness comes bubbling out of her and she breaks down in sobs

- Her usual upbeat demeanor is replaced with a face full of shock and sadness
- She gave it her all to protect you, she doesn't understand and it could all be worth nothing so quickly
- She cries herself to sleep

-Much like Ingrid her mood is brought down in a second
- Out of all the people here, why did it have to be you?
- All she wants is to go home and forget all about this game and for you to come back

- She runs away in tears when your body is discovered
- Her depression starts to settle in after you trial
- The only person she trusted in this killing game was now gone, what could she do?

- Like Cassidy she is beyond pissed
- She starts to pick fights with everyone in the courtroom
- Grace will start throwing back and forth insults at your killer once they are revealed

- She's frozen with shock
- She is quiet most of the trial, only speaking to defend you
- She feels nothing but emptiness without you

I started to get kinda lazy with this chapter so I apologize. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thanks for reading <3

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