❥ ♡ When They're Crushing

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Damon 🐍
- A huge emotional rollercoaster
- He probably tries distancing himself but after one day he realizes it won't do much (he misses you 🩷)
- When you talk to him it's pretty easy to notice his pink cheeks and slight stutter between words
- Definitely more gentle when debating with you about anything

Wolfgang 🐑
- Love isn't much of a new feeling to him, so he's way more accepting of his feelings
- Like Damon, definitely blushing a bit everytime you're near him
- He also gets visibly more smiley in your presence
- Definitely tries to bond with you on a personal level, hoping you feel more comfortable around him <333

Kai 🦋
- He's definitely surprised, he's had crushes in the past but none of them had ever had him so swooned
- He'll definitely try to ignore his feelings at first
- Eventually everything starts reminding him of you
- He'll be even chattier and bubbly around you (and he won't take his eyes off of you the entire time)

Ulysses 🦉
- It takes him a while to process what he feels for you
- At first it just started as him writing a little bit more about you in his journal, taking note of all of your enchanting features
- Now he can't think of you without being a emotional mess
- Would be hesitant at first but would try to get to know you even more. He'd do whatever to make sure you're comfortable around him

Jett 🐺
- It takes him a hot second to process how he feels
- Once he fully accepts his feelings he's gonna be all over you
- Probably would try to get Cassidy to be his wingwomen
- As you two get more comfortable he'll just casually sling his arm around your shoulder like it's nothing, but he's blushing so hard under that helmet

Jean 🐉
- Definitely a love at first sight type of guy
- He's pretty quick to realize he's in love with you, and he isn't afraid to use his charm (meow😻)
- He clings to you a bit more and extra smiley around you 😘😘😘

Mark 🐊
- Now he definitely denies his feelings at first and assumed it would never work out
- But you definitely brought back that little last bit of hope he had that you'd love him back
- He might even try to be more open and social around you
- Probably would drop the most subtle hints that he likes you (ex: getting ur favorite snack etc.)

Desmond 🦈
- Very awkward when confronting his own feelings
- He'd probably just rant to himself until he realized he sounded crazy trying to deny how he felt
- Probably would get more defensive of you if anybody tried to start an argument
- He'd do little acts of service when you aren't looking and hope you notice

Eva 🐦‍⬛
- In denial and simply believes it's just a platonic attraction
- Eva's a rational person, there must be some explanation? (Spoiler alert: she's just in love)
- She shows some very subtle hints and will deny it if you catch on
- But oh man she gets jealous WAYY easier

Cassidy 🕷️
- Probably the most bold out of anybody
- She'll flirt with you and make you think she's just playing around
- But holy shit her heart is pounding when she's near you
- She's at least good at hiding her being a nervous wreck behind her playful facade

Ingrid 🦁
- It'll probably take a good 3 days of thinking before she realizes she loves you
- She had always heard of a true love, but never expected she'd be a victim to it
- She'll be her normal self around you, maybe occasionally blushing or complimenting you more often
- I feel like she'd be a little more overprotective of you than anybody else

Diana 🦎
- She'd be very accepting of her feelings
- Probably would start showering you in compliments daily
- I could see her making you tiny little gifts like hairpins and jewelry
- She'd want to be by your side 24/7

Eloise 🦢
- She's a mix of emotions, she's happy yet the idea of rejection scares her
- Writes you a love letter but terrified to ever give it to you
- She'll probably be a little quieter around you for a while
- But once she gains the courage she'll be very social near you🩷

Grace 🐇
- In pure disbelief
- She never thought she'd love someone as much as she loves you
- Also extremely embarrassed when she realizes how much of a soft spot she's developed for you
- Probably distances herself for a bit just to collect her thoughts (dw she comes back🎀)

Wenona 🧸
- She'd deny her feelings for so long
- But one day you were looking too scrumptious that she realized she 100% was in love
- She'll stand next to you and look so unfazed but sometimes you can notice her ears turning red
- Definitely acts way less cold to you

Wenona 🧸- She'd deny her feelings for so long- But one day you were looking too scrumptious that she realized she 100% was in love- She'll stand next to you and look so unfazed but sometimes you can notice her ears turning red- Definitely acts wa...

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i saw fan art of Wolfgang today it's got me feeling freaky

Chat i really need to finish my dumbahh ELA hw 😖😖

- Aubrey💦

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