❥ ❦ Jett x Reader Scenario

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Requested by @Blu_Skitty
I had to do the fitness gram pacer test today I'm exhausted 😭
I'm doing hcs of what he would do if you were feeling down bc I'm tired of writing one shots (sorry)

- He right of the bat notices somethings wrong
- He ofc being the good boyfriend he is asks if you're feeling ok
- He absolutely hates seeing you sad and will do just about anything to cheer you up
- He'll cuddle you and hold you in his arms for as long as you like
- He'll watch some of your favorite movies with you while eating you fav foods
- He's fine with just about anything you want to do, he's happy if you're happy
- Jett will also let you rant to him he doesn't mind at all
- I headcannons Jett to be a very affectionate bf and that will never change even if you aren't feeling up to it

I love Jett so much ehdhdhjddjjd
Anyways I hope you enjoyed thank you to all my readers for all the support <3
- Aubrey 🤖

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