Chapter Three

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"I'm shorter than you, jackass! I can't walk as quickly." Chuuya struggled to keep up with the two as they frantically looked around.

"What exactly are we looking for?" Kouyou inquired, glancing at Chuuya, who had just started using his ability to keep up because it was easier.

"You'll know when you see it." Dazai, someone who was usually so calm and composed, was panicking. And that was something that brought fear to him because despite all his previous planning, in that moment he had still panicked and then he lost everything and it haunted him.

"Dazai. Over there." Chuuya pointed to a woman who stood in the middle of the road, and Dazai's heart dropped. Not because she was going to get hit by a car, but because she was going to survive and he hated it.

"Kouyou, do you think you can clear the streets?" She silently nodded, her full faith in the bandaged man. He was strangely dependable for the enemy. "Chuuya, get ready to fight. I'm trusting you to take her and anyone else down before they can escape."

"But-" Chuuya went to protest but saw the look in his partner's eyes and decided to put his full trust in the man. When has he ever led them wrong before? This was a threat and should be treated accordingly.

The two men watched as Kouyou used Golden Demon to escort everyone out of the area, and they made a rather quick job of it. I guess fear can do you wonders. Dazai's eyes wandered back to the woman as he slowly walked over to her, his hands held in the air as to seem like less of a threat. But, compared to the other two, he was the less threatening one there. He knew that something like this would happen, eventually, though. He knew it would come down to this. It always did. She always seemed to come floating back to him, no matter how far or fast he soared. "Mother, get out the road."

"WAIT A DAMN MINUTE, THAT'S YOUR MOTHER?!" Chuuya screeched, and Dazai winced, covering his ears. He had always overcompensated for his height with his voice, and one of these days Dazai was going to lose it because of this. "She's hot as fuck. What the hell happened to you?"

"I am hot as fuck!" Dazai complained, and all Chuuya could do was roll his eyes in response, which earned a pout from Dazai. He had always been such a bully, it wasn't fair. "What does that mean?"

"You're mediocre, at best." Chuuya offered his humble opinion, which seemed to spark a great annoyance in the brunet. Just like the good old days. The pain before the silence. The darkness before the storm.

"I hate to interrupt your lover's quarrel, but did you forget the dying woman?" Kouyou interrupted, and Dazai waved her off, a smile on his face.

"She'll be fine. Chuuya can hit her with Corruption and she'd still be standing. You worry too much, Ane-san~" Dazai's eyes turned to Chuuya, who only held a look of rage on his face as he struggled to control his ability. Dazai let out a small chuckle, his eyes fluttering around the street, despite the biggest threat being the man he had just angered who stood directly next to him, now struggling for control.

"Call her that again, and I will kill you, you suicidal fucking maniac." His voice didn't sound quite right. Like those villains who had started to lose themselves in cartoons, the ones that had those strangely deep and maniacal voices. It didn't suit him at all. He actually sounded like the God he was, and it was terrifying

"Well, you would be fulfilling my death wish as well as Kunikida's biggest wish to date, which is very noble of you, Chuuuuuya~ I didn't think you had it in you." Dazai tried to lighten the mood, but his plan soon changed when he noticed her on the move again. "Chuuya, kaboom."

The command was quiet, and full of terror. Chuuya's eyes met Dazai, still full of rage and struggling for control. "Kaboom?"

"Kaboom." And the seal was broken, the gloves came off as the red marks on his body started to glow. Dazai slowly backed away in hopes that he wouldn't get attacked by the God who had no traces of Chuuya left other than that small, petite looking body of his. Dazai managed to make his way over to Kouyou, being her protection because he was the only person who could stop the man in this state. Dazai, or his body's inability to keep up with the massive strain that had been put on it. "Kouyou, get ready to run."

"Why are you so afraid, Dazai?" Kouyou asked, and this was one of the few times she could say she felt true terror. The calmest, most methodical, most laid-back man she had ever met was now quivering in fear in front of her, and this terror was something she had never thought was even possible. She was so scared it hurt. "What is Chuuya capable of in this state?"

"It's not Chuuya I'm afraid of. Even if I can't get to him, he can still be immobilised rather quickly and efficiently with minimal casualties. It's her that I'm afraid of. I don't know what she's scheming, and that terrifies me." His breathing was heavy, and he looked like he was going to collapse, what was visible of him had gone extremely pale. Kouyou watched him tug at the bandages around his neck for a few seconds before taking his hands and offering him a small smile.

"You are a smart man, Dazai. You can figure this out. You always do. That's why you're our pride and joy. That's why we trust you." It felt strange saying that; not because he was the enemy or anything, but because he was Dazai. He wasn't supposed to need reassurance. But that's the thing about Dazai being Dazai. People forgot that he was human - a person with thoughts and feelings and fears. Yes, they were abnormal at best, but they were still there. And they hurt him more than anyone had ever realised. He was a surprisingly sensitive man for someone who had been dragged through hell.

"No. She is on a whole new level to me. If Chuuya can't restrain her, we're doomed." Their eyes went back to the battlefield when a black hole launched past them, barely missing them. Dazai wasn't even sure if his ability would work against one of those. Dazai's look of terror was soon replaced with irritation. Akutagawa had detained her, his ability holding her high while protecting the young man behind him and, unfortunately, Chuuya had just noticed them. He was torn between attacking the two pairs, so attacked both in turn. It was only fair that he tried to kill them all. "You're early, Akutagawa. What did I say about waiting until the signal?"

Dazai walked over to Chuuya with a sigh, touching the shorters shoulder, forcing him back to his normal state of being before he wreaked anymore havoc on the city. Chuuya fell into his arms with a heavy breath. He looked exhausted. Akutagawa gave him a shrug, narrowing his eyes at Dazai. "Unlike you, I don't share the same glee in playing with lives. That was unnecessary, and you know it."

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