Chapter Eight

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"I worry about your sanity," Chuuya commented, watching the bandaged man walk away and put his hand out. This was the psychotic monster he remembered. The man behind the mask. Chuuya hated that little facade he put up.

"It's a pleasure to see you again, Dazai." Came a Russian accent, shaking his hand, both having cruel smiles.

"You too, Fyodor. It's been a while. How was the afterlife?" Dazai asked, the mock courtesies making the other two's skin crawl. What scared them most was the possibility that the two greatest minds would team up, and they'd have only Ranpo who could possibly go up against them, because they knew Dazai a little too well for their liking, and they knew he would change sides if it benefitted him. They knew he didn't bring Fyodor back just for kicks and giggles - that there was some ulterior motive - but they never managed to find out before it was too late.

"It was quite pleasant, not much different from being here if I'm honest," Fyodor replied, his eyes wandering over to the two mafiosos before returning to Dazai. "How have things been here? Have I missed anything important?"

"Nope, the party's just getting started. On that note, have you seen Nikolai around? I was supposed to meet up with him here, but he hasn't shown up." Dazai looked around, a small frown appearing on his face.

"I haven't, actually. I was expecting him to pop up the moment I came back, but nothing of the sort happened. It was very strange." They both looked upset, for some reason. It can only be guessed that he was an important part of their plan. Or he was just there for comic relief. Both viable options, both equally as probable as the next.

"I hear your cries, and I'm here to fix everything!" A portal appeared next to the two geniuses as Nikolai walked through, grinning, his eye filled with a sadistic glee. "Dos-kun! It's great to see you alive!"

"Yes, well, we have Dazai to thank for that." All eyes were on the bandaged man, who only shrugged in response.

"It was nothing too major, I just had to pull a couple of strings," Dazai said, pulling at the bandages around his neck.

"Oi, you stupid Mackerel." The three of them turned to the Executive, who was clearly growing impatient as he played with his hat before placing it back on his head. "Can we get this moving, I can stand the sight of you?"

"So impatient, Chuuuuya~" Dazai sang before motioning for them to start walking. "This is kinda just a protection mission for the time being. I invited a lot of people to Yokohama who despise me, and they're all out for blood."

"You say that like there's anyone who genuinely likes you," Chuuya said, giving a pointed look to Dazai, who let out a huff of annoyance.

"You're such a bully, Chuuya," Dazai complained

"On a more serious note, why the fuck would you do that, if not out of complete boredom? Because there is no immediate danger to anyone." Dazai glanced at the Gravity Manipulator, who only looked panicked. "There is no danger, right? Right? Dazai, tell me there's no danger. Dazai."

"There is nothing to worry your pretty little head over," Dazai said, taking his hat and placing it on Gin's head. "Although, speaking of danger, can you deal with all the snipers in the area? They're making me uneasy."

"They literally can't touch us," Chuuya growled, and Dazai just stared at him. "I swear to God, does all the information leave your head the moment you don't need it?"

"No! Well, yes, but that's not important!" He replied, and Chuuya sighed. "Look, as long as I'm protected, I don't care what you do."

"I already took care of them all," Gin murmured, and the group looked at her. There was a bit of blood on her mask, which she took off and replaced with a new one.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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