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Regulus' prior hopes, beliefs and statements had been quite untrue to himself. He knew what was going on with him. He knew that only a fool ought to question it, only a fool would choose denial.

Regulus had felt a considerable amount of both confusion and frustration this past week. To his uttermost dismay, his stomach dropped or jolted frequently whenever in Agatha's presence. Nearly every time he made eye contact with her. Always, when she looked up at him through her eyelashes because of their height difference in, what he thought was, a very sexy manner. Whenever she bit her lip while concentrating, and merely her walking made it hard for him to wrench his eyes off her figure, no less concentrate on whatever he had been doing.

At the beginning of the year he had, perhaps, not believed that he would ever go near Agatha with a ten-foot broomstick, she shared the same view about him. He had always held an infinitesimal curiosity about Agatha Burke. Especially after he had heard that Burke and Lestrange had gone out, he had, not before that comprehended that she was interested in having a love life. He had, to his displeasure, always thought she was a pretty girl. And now that he had gotten to know her better... she only got more magnetic.

If only she knew what he thought about her... that her moans had been replaying in his mind ever since they were in his bathroom that one night, how he went nearly insane due to how innocent she looked before they kissed. If she knew that he had literally dreamt about her... What would she say? She would definitely never let him live it down, but would she relate to his new troubles? Could she, perhaps, have been plagued by the same kind of thoughts?

It had now been a week since Regulus' and Agatha's talk on their patrol, and Agatha was sat next to Emma in their Astronomy class. It was quite windy on that March night. The Hogwarts students usually enjoyed Astronomy, but tended to develop a disdain towards it when the temperature got colder, since they were sat at the uppermost tower of the castle. Even though Professor Nova had cast a warming charm on the tower, they still felt the breeze.

Agatha was getting a tad bit drowsy. So were the other students, it seemed, since many were yawning, in fact, one student's head had tipped down over his star chart, Professor Nova had woken him up with a sombre expression.

Emma sighed exhaustedly and her shoulders slumped as she looked out at the night sky which was dark and gloomy. "How long has it been?" asked she.

"Forty-five minutes," said Agatha.

Emma massaged the bridge of her nose. But then she squared her shoulders with a dismissive shake of her head and promptly got back to her chart.

Zelia was not there today, she had gone on sick leave for the night with a pretence stomachache. Barty seemed bored out of his mind as he looked out at the sky, nearly dozing off. Evan was scribbling lazily, eyes tired with a dazed look on his face. Antonin looked as if he were going to fall asleep in the matter of seconds.

Her eyes were practically glued to Regulus' silhouette, he was sitting a few seats in front of her and to the right, writing quickly. He had taken off his cloak and cuffed his sleeves. He looked excessively handsome, the solemn, night lightning made his features even darker and more pronounced. His hair was moving with the wind but did not stick up in awkward places, it still looked good whilst a bit dishevelled. For some reason she started wondering if he had used that same cologne as did when she was close to him, it smelled so good. He leaned close to Evan and asked him something, the boy answered, pointing down at his chart and Regulus nodded and looked up at the sky.

And after a few moments of her still staring at him, to her horror, he turned and looked directly at her. She did not look away. Their eye contact lasted for only a bit over three seconds before he smirked slightly and looked up at the sky again.

The Storm | Regulus BlackWhere stories live. Discover now